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When she came out Even was looking at something on his palmcoder. Without looking up he slipped his bag off his shoulder and held it out to her in one hand.

Carry this. Thank you.

The synthetic tucked her needler into her belt then took the bag. Putting her head through the strap she wore it crosswise her back with the bag balanced against her hip.

Moreno wants us. He said presently.


He nodded. In her office. But ah you can go to the commonroom if you prefer. Wait for me there.

I don't prefer that.

Even looked at her. After a moment he nodded. He put away his palmcoder. Then he tugged on the strap to his carbine where it lay against his shoulder pulling the weapon more tightly against his back.

He started for Morenos office. He had half turned to go that way when the lights went out.

The after image faded as did the orange glow from the cathodes as they cooled.

Even was abruptly disoriented. The darkness was a void that spun about him and he swayed and almost fell but then grabbed at the bulkhead. The steel was cold beneath his fingers.

The darkness lasted several minutes. At one point a scream echoed down through the corridor met that dead end and compressed then came back distorted.

After a few minutes the lights came on. There was a bright overflash.

Fuck. Even said. He straightened up then turned and looked back at the synthetic. She was rising from a crouch her fingers pushing away from the plascrete floor.

Fuck. What in the void was that.

Is that a question. Sarah asked.

No. I mean yes. Yes it's a question.

It was a blackout.

I know that much. He said. He paused and listened. No further sounds of alarm came from the common room though several voices were raised loud enough to hear the emotions broadcast the fear and anger used to disguise the fear while the words themselves remained vague sensory blurs. The only other sound was that of the arclights. Their brisk hum was jarringly noticeable after the few minutes of its absence.

It should not happen. He said. The lab has its own reactor.

This was not the first. Sarah said. There have been three in the last twelve hours. Four now.

Why haven't you told me.

I assumed you witnessed them.

He shook his head. I mustve slept through them. He paused. Do they know the cause.

Noone has said. Leastways not to me.

He thought for a moment. You all good.


Come on then. He started up the hallway walking quickly. At the door to Morenos office he slapped the contact. The panel blinked red. Not hesitating Even hammered on the door. A moment later the panel lit green. When the door opened they continued inside.

Moreno was not alone. She sat behind her desk with her elbows on the false woodgrained plastic holding her head in her hands. Before her was a glass of some golden fluid.

Across from her was Nico. The redhead was relaxed back into his armchair and holding a glass of the same golden drink in his left hand.


That man sprung up nearly spilling his drink. The man glanced over at Even then at Sarah for a longer moment then he looked back at his drink. In a single movement he raised the glass to his mouth and drained it. Afterwards he grimaced.

Even. He said eventually. I'm glad I could see you before you left.

I told him no. Moreno said.

No to what.

I desire to go with you.

No. Even said. No.

But it is not far. And I can pay you.

Not interested. If you had any sense you would remain here.

I cannot. I absolutely must leave. I will leave regardless of whether you can escort me. I would of course prefer that you did.

Youll die out there. I promise you. Or worse.



I assume you would give me a swift merciful death in that case. Besides did I mention payment. Half a million.


Nico shook his head. Script.

The station script is useless to me.

Nico eyes lit up. But you're wrong. You can use script in any of the automated stores on the station. Food water medical and other supplies even and this is admittedly more limited you can buy ammunition.

How come the stores have not been stripped by survivors.

Most stores have been. The outerlying stores especially. But this this is the main shopping hub and I have reason to believe it is mostly intact. It is unpleasant there. Unfriendlies. The infestation hit there particular hard and early on.

And where do you want to go.

This same hub.


I'm sorry. If I could say I would. It is private.

Half a million.

Nico nodded. I will assist of course. You know I can shoot.

Even sighed. I want half upfront. You obey me instantly and without question. Also armor. You are going to wear armor.

We don't have armor. Aside from the vests the guards use.

There is some armor. Proper stuff. Go to stores and tell them I said. Get them to help you put it on.

Agreed. Said Nico.

Get kitted out and meet me at the interlock in say twenty minutes. Even said. Go. Go now.

Nico bolted for the door. Even watched him go then turned to Moreno.

Moreno looked up at him.

There was a blackout before. What is going on.

Moreno rubbed her eyes. There were dark circles beneath them like she hadn't slept in a while.

I don't know. She said. There is a disruption somewhere.

Have you asked Rose.

She nodded. She has become unresponsive again. Not unusual. I would assume she is busy warring with her daughters.

Even nodded. He looked thoughtful.

If I were you I'd increase security. It has to mean something and I feel that it's nothing good.

Possibly. Moreno said. But not a difficult prediction to make when everything is bad. So you will be leaving now.

Even nodded.

Have a drink with me. She had a canteen in her hand and uncapped it then poured a small amount of golden liquid into a glass. She pushed the glass across the desk toward Even. Then she put the canteen back inside her coat.

A toast. She gestured at him and he approached but did not sit. He picked up the glass and examined it by sight then smell.


Moreno nodded. From Elysium.

To survival. He lifted his glass.

To survival.

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