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When did we decide on rebellion.

A woman pushed to the front of those gathered. She was a young woman and not the kind of young gotten from the tank. Stepping around the autoserver she spared a look of distaste for the weapons and ammunition it bore then she locked eyes with Moreno.

I think. She said. That we should go to this safe zone.

Even stepped forward to stand beside Moreno.

You wouldn't like it there.

The woman switched her gaze to him. Her green eyes lit with anger.

You don't get a say. She said. But do explain why I should prefer danger and starvation.

Even hesitated then he leaned forward and said something to her in a low voice. The young woman blanched white.

Who was she. Even said after the young woman had moved away.

Isabal Disraeli. Moreno glanced at him. What did you say to her. You scared her.

She should be. Now. Now it's your turn. He paused. Youre going to get them all killed.

You will fight for us.

If it comes to it. I have no choice.

What choice is there.

What is that saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I don't follow. The only enemies we have are the precursors.

Even nodded. Then he checked his palmcoder briefly before looking at Moreno. Holding her gaze he said. I have a plan. But there's not much time. Listen closely.

A few minutes later and Even was headed back up the corridor to the interlock. In one hand he held Morenos identity tag.

There were muffled banging sounds coming from the interlock. He went forward and shouted that he was opening the gate. They must have heard him because the sound stopped.

Using morenos tag he unlocked the gate controls. These were set into the bulkhead beside the interlock. Scanning the various functions quickly he set an override to bypass the normal cycling and open both gates at once. He entered the function and stood back. There was a clunk from the interlock as the gates began to open. He stepped back further and then raised his hands level with his shoulders.

There were six of them. They moved rapidly through the interlock as a group. They wore black armor over most of their bodies and black jackboots and nebula-blue coveralls beneath visible through the few gaps in the armor around the thigh and elbow joints. A few wore headlamps like miners, and all were armed.

Henderson. Even paused. I'm not armed.

That man did not lower his carbine. He held it pointed squarely at Evens chest.

Im not armed. Even repeated.

Why not.

Even shrugged. I seem to get by without.

The man finally lowered his weapon. You've lost an eye since we last met. He said.

Even shrugged again.

Henderson gestured at the controls.

Get it closed. He said. Don't need the aliens coming up behind us.

Even moved toward the controls but Henderson reacted immediately holding out his weapon to block him.

Not you. You stay there. Zed. He said without turning. Get the door closed.

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