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The guard left. The door clunked as it locked into place behind him.

Even glanced around the chamber briefly. It was brightly lit. In the center of the room was an examination table, which had wrist and ankle restraints, beneath an adjustable-height lamp. There were various pieces of medical equipment scanners and monitors stood about the table. At the back of the room was an alcove containing the shower.

Even removed his clothing peeling it away where it was stuck to his skin by blood and other fluids. He put each piece into a wall shute as he removed it. His bandages and dressings followed.

In the end all that remained was his employee dogtag. He removed this from its chain about his neck and then went to the shower.

Inside was a notice that illustrated the correct posture. He slapped the contact pad to begin and then stood feet apart, hands raised.

The shower sealed. Hot water sprayed him from every direction. He yelled out as the water entered his wounds. Next it sprayed him with a foamy liquid and then washed that away with another blast of water. Jets of hot air buffeted him until he was dry. Finally there was a flash of hot white light.

When he came out there was a woman waiting for him. She was dressed in scrubs with gloves spraymask and safety glasses. She had an autoserver with her that carried medical instruments and supplies and on the lower shelf was his bag, now mostly clean, his boots, also cleaned, and some fresh clothing.

Turn around. She said. Slowly.

All the way. She said when he turned and stayed turned away from her.

He finished doing a slow spin when she gestured him to stop.

That's enough. She said. You look like uoive been through the wars.

She handed him the bundle of clothes.

Are these OK. I can see if there's anything else.

He unfolded them them. There was a two piece thermal wear and light grey utility coveralls like the kind a janitor would wear. They were worn but looked about the right fit.

Sorry no gloves.

These are fine.

Once he was dressed she gestured at the table. Sit up here. She saw him glance at the restraints and she chuckled. Don't worry we won't be needing these. Probably.

He glanced at her then clambered up onto the table and sat on the edge with his legs dangling.

She came closer and looked at the wounds on his face and the socket filled with foam.

What happened here.

Even looked past her out the glass viewpanel set beside the door. The guard was visible standing facing the chamber.

Moreno said she would be here.

She is with your assistant now. She paused. I'm going to numb this.

He nodded. She picked up something from the autoserver and lifted it to his face.

What is your name.

Alica. Im a medical technician.

She picked up forceps and gripped the foam plug in his eyesocket. She wriggled it loose and pulled it out. A mixture of blood and clear fluid came out running down his face. Alcie was ready with some cotton balls, using them to blott away the fluids.

Then she cleaned the wounds. She cleaned the socket and the ragged flesh round the socket and also the stab wound which she irrigated from within his sinuses with saline.

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