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Caliban's P.O.V

"Why's it called a Pygmalion spell?" Sabrina asked me.

"Don't you know the myth of Pygmalion? He was a sculptor who carved a woman made of ivory. Pygmalion fell in love with the statue, wished her alive. He made an offering to the gods, promised he would give up his greatest love, sculpting. In exchange, when Pygmalion kissed the statue, she turned to flesh.

"That's beautiful.

"Why are you crying?" I questioned.

"You wouldn't understand," Sabrina snapped at me. "And we have a spell to find."

"Yes, and a proposal to discuss, which you promised to consider. We could compete against each other to find the third item of the Unholy Regalia, Judas' pieces of silver, or we could work together to find them," I offered.

"Who would win the throne in that case?" Sabrina asked me.

"We both would. We could align and rule Hell together," I answered.

"Align?" Sabrina asked me.

"Get married," I tell her.

"Married? What about Eva, Caliban? I thought you like her?" Sabrina said confused.

"I do love her but I also know that we both want the throne. The marriage wouldn't even be romantic. It'll just be for business," I explained to her.

"No. I'm not going to let you hurt Eva like that. She deserves better than this," Sabrina tells me.

"We both want the same thing, Sabrina," I tell her.

"I think we want different things, Caliban. Besides, I can't believe you'd hurt Eva like that," Sabrina said.

"Are you certain of that?" I asked her.

"A hundred percent. I don't wanna turn Earth into the Tenth Circle of Hell, for starters. And secondly, I don't want to hurt my best friend," Sabrina tells me.

"What if I took that off the table?" I asked her.

"Is this a negotiation?" Sabrina asked me, "Because if so, I'm still not marrying you, Caliban. A, I just broke up with my boyfriend-"

"Make me a counter offer then. And I'll give you this spell I just found," I tell her.

"Is that it, the Pygmalion spell?" Sabrina asked me.

"What will you trade me for it to save your friend and stabilize the realms?" I asked her.

"Are we seriously having this conversation?" Sabrina asked me.

"A monarch must know how to compromise. Well, as you suggested, Earth would be off-limits, and there would be no enslavement of anyone.

"But what would we do instead?

"We'd reform the Hell that already exists, make it better, work with Heaven instead of against it, maybe," Sabrina suggested.

"Work with Heaven? Do you think they would do that?" I asked her.

"Caliban, why do you even wanna be King?"

"Same as you want to be Queen... power," I tell her.

"I need certain things from you in writing first. And to be clear, our alignment would be political and not romantic. I won't marry you, Caliban. I'm not going to hurt, Eva," Sabrina tells me.

"Perhaps we should continue this discussion after we cure your friend. You heart might have softened towards me by then," I tell her.

Evangeline's P.O.V

As promised, I went back to Harvey's garage. I saw Roz broken into pieces and Harvey in a state of shock.

"Harvey, what happened?" I asked as I got closer.

"I don't know," Harvey told me. I saw Sabrina and Caliban walk in.

"Oh, no. Oh, Harvey!" Sabrina said coming over to us.

"Roz broke. I don't know what happened. I left for 15 minutes and came back, and she was like this," Harvey explained.

"Caliban, does this mean she's Dead?" I asked him.

"No. She needs to be put back together, that's all," Caliban tells us.

"She's in all these pieces," Harvey reminds Caliban.

"We'll gather and arrange them into her shape. Make sure none of her bits are missing. There's a special epoxy we'll need. I'll prepare it and be right back," Caliban said.

"Thank you, Caliban," I tell him.

"Though I might need your assistance my love," Caliban said holding out his hand.

"Wait, Eva. Maybe you should help us here," Sabrina tells me. I looked over at her.

"I'll be fine, Sabrina," I assure to her before taking Caliban's hand.

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