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Evangeline's P.O.V

I woke up to see not my ceiling. I sat up to look around at my surroundings. This was definitely not my room. This room was large and luxurious. As I looked around, my eyes went towards to Caliban standing by a window.

"Caliban? Where am I?" I asked him. I had gotten Caliban's attention as he turned to look at me.

"Welcome home," Caliban smiled as he walked over.

"What do you mean welcome home?" I worriedly asked.

"I won the challenge. I am officially king of hell," Caliban proudly smiled.

"What did you do to Sabrina?" I asked, standing up from the bed.

"She won't be harmed from anything or anyone if you're asking. Sabrina is somewhere safe enough for you to not worry about her," Caliban answered.

"What about my family? My friends?"

Caliban walked over to me from where he was. He knelled down in front of me and held my hands. My heart started to beat a little faster.

"I'm sorry, my darling. I went to retrieve them but it was too late. The pagans have taken over the Earth," Caliban tells me.

"What? No. No. They have to be alive," I tell him, shaking my head. I could feel myself starting to cry.

"I'm sorry Evangeline. But I promise you that I will get revenge for you, your friends, and your family," Caliban tells me.

"I didn't even say goodbye."

Caliban held onto me as I cried. I lied my head on his shoulder as I sobbed quietly. After a moment of crying, we were lying on the bed.

"Evangeline, I can't protect you here in Hell," Caliban tells me.

"What? Why?" I asked him, sitting up.

"Because you're a mortal, the demons here are not thrilled with you being here," Caliban explained. Caliban got out of the bed making me follow. I stood

"So I have to go back to Earth and die?"

"No. I won't allow it. There is one way for you to stay and for me to protect you."

"What's the way?"

"The only way for you to stay is to marry me since I am the king of Hell now," Caliban explains.

"So the only way for me to stay and be safe is to marry you?" I asked.

"Yes. Evangeline, will you marry me?" Caliban asked, holding up a beautiful black, diamond ring.

"And this will guarantee my safety here?" I asked him.

"Of course. I love you, Evangeline. What happened before was the biggest mistake I could make," Caliban tells me.

"Then yes. I will marry you," I tell him. Caliban smiled before slipping the ring onto my ring finger.

"We shall marry tonight. I'll have everything ready before I go to Earth," Caliban tells me. I nodded as he kissed my cheek.

"I'll save our first kiss at the alter," Caliban winked. I felt my cheeks heat up while I smiled softly at him. Caliban left the room, letting me stare at my ring.

This didn't feel right. I was about to become the queen of Hell and I had lost everything and everyone I have loved. This didn't feel right. I walked over to the window before opening it. To my surprise, I wasn't staring at a pit of fire. It was night from what it appeared.

"Miss Evangeline?" I turned to see a few ladies standing before me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We are here to help you get ready for the wedding," One of the ladies told me.

"Oh. Okay," I said before walking over to them.

I was pampered and treated like a doll as they got me ready. I was put into a black wedding dress and a black veil. Once I was prepped ready, they gave me a bouquet of black flowers before helping me over to an area.

"Just let us know when you are ready ma'am. We'll let the people know that you are ready and the doors will open for you," One of the ladies told me.

"Thank you."

I took in some deep breaths before looking up at the ceiling. All of this was too overwhelming for me I wasn't ready for this. I looked up to prevent any tears from falling or forming even more. Looking at one of the ladies, I gave them a nod. I looked back in front of me before the doors opened.

I saw Caliban standing in dark clothing as he waited for me down the aisle. I noticed in the front, on top of a table behind Caliban, were two candles (one lit and one not lit), a wine glass, and a wine bottle. Looking around, all I saw were demons everywhere. This didn't feel right. Once I made it to the end of the aisle, I smiled softly at Caliban. With him, I felt a little more safe. I felt safe with him before but now, it was different.

"You look beautiful, my love," Caliban smiled.

"Thank you, Caliban. You look great as well."

"Welcome to the wedding of King Caliban and Evangeline Crimson. After the ceremony, we will crown her queen of Hell. Now, is there anyone here who rejects this union? Speak now or forever hold your silence."

I looked around to see if anyone wanted to object our marriage. No one objected.

"King Caliban, please repeat after me and proceed the motions."

"Of course," I looked at Caliban who winked at me.

"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness," The demon priest said. I instantly knew where this was from. My favorite movie, Corpse Bride.

"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine," Caliban said as he poured some wine into my glass. "With this candle, I will light your way into darkness."

Caliban lit up the candle in front of me. I looked over at him and smiled a little. Caliban slipped a new ring onto my ring finger.

"Miss Evangeline, please repeat after me-"

"Actually, if it's alright. I'd like to say my own vows," I tell him.

"Of course."

"I vow to be by your side. Through sickness and in health. I vow to become your queen of Hell. I vow to be your faithful wife. I vow to be yours till the end of time," I say to Caliban. Caliban smiled widely at me. I slid on his ring before smiling a little.

"King Caliban, do you take this woman as your wife to be?"

"I do."

"And do you, Evangeline, take King Caliban as your husband to be?"

"I..." I took a quick look around. Everyone's eyes were staring at me.


"Then by the power invested in me. I pronounce you both husband and wife," Caliban smiled as he pulled me closer to him.

Caliban cupped my cheeks before leaning in to kiss me. To me, there were sparks flying everywhere. Caliban pulled away and smiled wider.

"And now, to crown you as my queen," Caliban said.

He walked over to the throne and took a crown that was lying on the seat. Caliban gently took off the veil from my hair before raising the crown high.

"I declare my wife, Evangeline, as your new queen of Hell!" Caliban said as he placed the crown on my head.

I felt a little dizzy all of a sudden. Caliban held his hand out for me which I took. I stood next to him as every demon cheered.

"Let's have our reception and then straight to the honeymoon," Caliban spoke into my ear, softly.

"What about Earth?" I asked him.

"I have my coup ready. But for now, let me enjoy you being my wife," Caliban said as he kissed my cheek.

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