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Evangeline's P.O.V

I sat on a desk as I was surrounded by my best friends. We were all worried a little for our friend Sabrina who's boyfriend was trapped in Hell with the devil in him. It was still processing in my head about the whole situation. I was still getting used to the fact that Sabrina was a witch.

"How you doin', girl? Are you getting any sleep?" Roz asked Sabrina.

"Tons in-between my nightmares," Sabrina tells us.

"'Brina, you you can't keep going on like this," Roz tells her.

"Like what?" Sabrina asked confused.

"Like going to the gates every day," Harvey explains to Sabrina.

"Well, you guys-"

"We're not saying you should give up on Nick," Roz interrupted.

"But you can't give up on the rest of your life either," Theo tells Sabrina.

"That's what I've been saying. You should join our band," Harvey tells her. Our little band was awesome. Harvey played guitar, Theo played drums, Roz played piano, and I played bass.

"I'm not really in the mood for singing these days, Harvey," Sabrina tells him.

"Or, conversely, you could sign up for cheerleading with me and Roz," I tell Sabrina.

"You're not serious?" Sabrina asked me.

"Why not? I mean, we're 16, we three love to dance, and I mean, it can't be all hell, all the time," I tell her excitedly.

"It's not all hell. It's all Nick," Sabrina said. We heard everyone starting to mumble or mutter loudly making us look over. We saw Ms. Wardwell walk in, ready to teach us again. However, last time I remember, Lilith took over Ms. Wardwell's form.

"Ms. Wardwell, you're back?" Marlin, one of our classmates asked.

"Indeed, Mr. Marlin, after some much-needed time off. Not as principal anymore, but to teach," Ms. Wardwell informed us.

"Mr. Garland informed me that lately, you have been focusing on epic poetry.Beowulf, I believe. But the poem I find myself drawn to these past few weeks is Dante's Divine Comedy, specifically his Inferno, detailing the poet's epic journey to Hell. There's an excerpt in your textbook. Who would like to lead the recitation?"

I raised my hand as I was ready to learn again by Ms. Wardwell.

After school, we were having our little band practice in Harvey's garage. We were doing well until Sabrina ran into Harvey's garage.

"Guys!" She said.

"Sabrina?" Harvey asked.

"You guys, I figured it out. It's time for Operation Hand Basket," Sabrina tells us.

"Hang on, you mean-"

"We're going to Hell? Like, Hell Hell?" Theo asked Sabrina.

"Yep. I found a back door," Sabrina tells us.

"I do have a question though, are humans even allowed in Hell?" I asked her.

"Well, technically, no, but there are ways around that. Things we can do to prepare. If you're still willing to help," Sabrina said. The four of us looked at each other.

"Let's rock 'n' roll," Theo said before playing a drum roll.

We quickly followed Sabrina back to her house to get ready to go down to Hell. I wondered what it would be like down there.

"Are your aunts home?" I asked her.

"No. They're staying at the Academy, so timing's perfect," Sabrina tells us.

The first thing we had to so was wash ourselves with some water. However, we had to go down to Sabrina's basement where there was a corpse lying there.

"What is this stuff again?" Harvey asked Sabrina.

"Ghastly water. Basically water you get from wiping down corpses," Sabrina tells us. I let out a cough as if I was about to throw up.

"Eww. And we're doing this why?" Roz asked her.

"It'll keep the demons from smelling us. We have to wear these shoes too. Dead people's shoes, for only the dead may walk the paths of Hell," Sabrina tells us.

"I wonder what Hell is going to be like. I mean, I know it's going to be dangerous and all but it'll still be interesting to know what it'll look like," I said. I let out a sneeze as I saw Sabrina's cat come in.

"Allergies," I frowned before getting behind Theo.

"I'm sorry, Salem, you're gonna have to sit this one out. If you came with us, you'd have every hound of Hell from Barghest to Old Shuck chasing us down," Sabrina tells Salem before it left us be.

After putting on our clothes and putting on the dead peoples shoes, we went to one of Sabrina's acquaintances.  We all had weapons with us as well. I held a bow while my arrows lied in my quiver on my back. Luckily, I was taking bow and arrow lessons.

"Behold, the hellscape," He tells us as we looked at the paintings.

"Mind you, the inferno is a lonely, desolate place. You might not see many monsters or demons, but they're there. Find your way to the City of Pandemonium as quickly as possible. And don't forget, the incantation I gave you to transport you back it won't work unless you're holding my flower," He tells us.

"I love you guys. Also, everybody stay close. Especially you, Evangeline," Sabrina tells us.

"I know," I said before crossing my arms.

"Don't worry. I'll watch over Eva," Theo tells her. Sabrina nodded at him before looking back at the painting.

"Through me, pass into the unholy kingdom. Through me, pass into the city of fear. I am the gate for the lost and forsaken. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here," Sabrina chanted before we all walked into it.


Author's Note: Hello everyone! Welcome to my Caliban fanfiction that was based from my imagines from Tumblr. I hope ya'll like it and leave some votes and comments cause your support motivates me to write even better for you guys to enjoy. 

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