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Evangeline's P.O.V

"It's so nice to have you in my arms again," Caliban said as he held me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. Caliban pulled away a little to look at me.

"Well, my princess, the second challenge required me to go to a land where you would be stuck in a time loop. Sabrina won and I had to suffer for almost two thousand years. Two thousand years and all I did was think about you," Caliban said.

"Oh my gosh," I said in shock.

"But I am with you now. So it does not matter anymore," Caliban smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So what do you need to make to put Roz back together?" I asked him.

"I'll show you," Caliban said.

Once we were done with the paste, I felt Caliban hold me from behind. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Let's go and get this to Sabrina and Harvey," I tell him.

"Just one moment," Caliban said.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him. Caliban turned me around to look up at him. Caliban smiled making me even more confuse.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're just so beautiful," Caliban tells me. I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush.

"We need... I mean... we should go," I stumbled. I heard Caliban chuckle before taking us back to Harvey's garage.

"We're back," I sung a little. I looked over to see Roz on the table in pieces.

"Good," Sabrina said.

"Is that every piece of her?" Caliban asked the two.

"Yeah, we checked everywhere," Harvey tells Caliban.

"What do we do now, glue her back together?"

"The Pygmalion spell will be most effective where you and your beloved first kissed. Do you remember where that was?" Caliban asked Harvey.

"Yeah, of course, at school, the night of the Valentine's dance," Harvey told us.

"Is it close?" Caliban asked us.

"Yeah. Not too far from here," I tell Caliban.

"Let's take her there then. Carefully. We'll apply the epoxy, and then you'll make your offering," Caliban tells us.

"Maybe we should take two trips," Harvey tells us. We heard the door open making us look over. I saw Theo and Robin walk inside. 

"We can help you carry her," Theo offered. 

"Please let us. Let me help," Robin said, stepping forward.

When we got to the school, we went to the spot where Harvey and Roz had their first kiss. Caliban put the epoxy on Roz, gluing her back together.

"When she comes back to life, she won't be scarred, will she?" Harvey asked Caliban.

"She will not," Caliban said.

"Oh, that's a relief. What happens now?" Sabrina asked Caliban.

"You say the spell, but first, you make your offering," Caliban explained.

"To whom?" Sabrina asked him.

"Aphrodite or Eros," Caliban answered.

"What am I offering?" Harvey questioned.

"Your love for Rosalind. Give it up, and she'll be restored to flesh," Caliban answered again. 

"Give it up? What are you talking about?" Harvey asked Caliban.

"Aphrodite is the goddess of love. She'll grant your wish, but demands your heart's desire, Rosalind. Vow to forsake your truest love, then to complete the spell kiss her. She'll restore to flesh once more. But if you betray your vow, if you ever kiss her again, she'll return to stone and will remain that way until the end of days," Caliban explained the spell to us.

"Wait, no! Harvey, there has to be some other kind of offering," Sabrina asks Caliban. 

"There is none. That is the price. Love for life," Caliban tells us.

"I'll do it. I'll do it," Harvey said as he walked over to Roz.

"Say the words to Aphrodite and give her a kiss," Caliban said, giving Harvey the offering poem.

"Roz if you can hear me I love you. Please understand that I had to do it. Aphrodite, fair and mighty, take this form of fixed stone, and turn her back to flesh and bone. As below, so above I yield to you my truest love," Harvey said before leaning down to kiss Roz on the lips. When Harvey pulled away, nothing happened.

"Nothing happened!" Harvey said worried as he looked back at us.

"Caliban?" I asked him for an explanation.

"His offering was rejected," Caliban told us.

"What does that mean? Why?" Harvey asked worriedly.

"You must not truly love her," Caliban guessed.

"That's bullshit!" Harvey shouted clearly offended.

"Aphrodite would only accept your heart's true desire. That must not be Rosalind. Must be something else or someone else," Caliban tells Harvey.

"Shut the hell up!" Harvey yelled before shoving Caliban against the lockers.

"Hey!" Sabrina shouted as she walked over to the two.

"What'd you know, you and your bullshit spell? How do we know if any of this is real?" Harvey asked him.

"Why would I lie?" Caliban questioned. Harvey threw a punch at Caliban's face making me gasp in shock.

"Harvey, Caliban, stop!" Sabrina said.

"Harvey, stop it!" I yelled.

"Strike me again, mortal. I'll grind every bone in your body to sand," Caliban threatened Harvey, getting up close to him.

"Caliban don't!" I said.

"All right, that's enough," Sabrina said.

"Tell them what you told me," I heard Theo say. I looked over to him and Robin.

"I should kick your ass," I heard Harvey said.

"Harvey! Please calm down," I tell him as I got in between him and Caliban. I felt Caliban wrap his arms around my waist.

"Tell us what, Robin?" Sabrina asked him.

"Among the pagans, there's that witch, Circe, the one that turned your friends into pigs. She has powerful magics of transformation. She could turn your friend back into flesh," Robin explained.

"For someone who's trying to earn our trust, why would you only tell us this now?" Sabrina questioned.

"No, it's too dangerous. Circe's power resides in her hands. All she'd have to do is touch you, and she could turn you into any creature she's ever seen before. And without magic, you're no match against her," Robin defended.

"I don't have magic, it's true, but I know where we can borrow some," Sabrina said.

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