'Cause you're my big ol' papa monkey

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Season 4 episode 5


Henry: You ready?

Young Shawn: I was born ready, Dad.

Henry: Actually, you were born breech, son. Took hours to get you out. 


Henry: Shawn! 

Shawn: Dad?

Henry: Oh, Shawn, thank God you're okay.

Shawn: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What's up?

Henry: I saw the shooting on television. I've been trying to call your cellphone. It's been going to voicemail. I've been worried to death.

*Shawn looks at his phone*

Shawn: I... forgot to turn on my phone.

Henry: You— Gus, let me ask you something. What was the very first thing you did right after the shooting?

Gus: I called my folks to tell them I was okay.

Henry: And what was the first thing he did?

Gus: He ate a banana. 

Henry: ... you ate a banana?

Shawn: I sure did. You know why? Because it makes me think of you, 'cause you're my big ol' papa monkey.

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