Where does the lotion go?

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Season 7 episode 9

God, my heart broke so much these last few episodes :'(


*Someone knocks on the door*

Shawn: Hey, if that's—if that's, uh, a camera crew and- and a makeover team, technically, I still live here. Please. 

Juliet: Shawn, it's the girl I'm interviewing to be my new roommate. 

Shawn: What—

Juliet: Her name is Kimberly. 

Shawn: You are kicking me out and replacing me on the same day?

Juliet: She answered my ad on Craigslist. 

Shawn: Jules, only psychos answer ads on craigslist! You might as well have posted it on murdermethisinstant.com!

*Juliet opens the door*

Juliet: Hi.

Kimberly: Hi!

Juliet: So nice to meet you.

Kimberly: Hi, Kimberly. 

Juliet: Come on in.

Kimberly: Hi. Wow.

Shawn: Alright, Kim. Pop quiz. 

*Shawn does a deep voice and rubs his shirt*

Shawn: Where does the lotion go?

Juliet: Uh... Kimberly, this is my, uh, funny and slightly inappropriate friend, Shawn, and he was just leaving. 

*Shawn rubs all over himself awkwardly*

Kimberly: You know, the photos in the ad do not do this place justice. It's amazing.

Juliet: Aww.

Shawn: Seriously, Kim. Where does it go? Where does the lotion go?

Juliet: Don't answer that.

*Shawn rubs his shirt*

Shawn: Where do you put the lotion?

Juliet: You don't have to answer any questions that... especially any questions about lotion. 

Shawn: Did you tell her about the bats? This place is infested with bats. How about Kathy? You tell her about Kathy?

Kimberly: Whose Kathy?

Shawn: Whose Kathy? Just the ghost who lives here. You know, she bleeds through the walls on occasion, and she likes to cuddle on the day she was murdered. I guess it's all pretty harmless stuff as long as your soul is pure. 

*Juliet fake-laughs*

Juliet: See, I told you! I mean, he's so silly! And you are leaving, right? Now?

Shawn: Actually, I don't have anywhere to be. 

*Juliet sighs*

Kimberly: My current roommate is apartment hunting too and I'm really hoping she doesn't see this listing. Is that horrible of me to say?

Shawn: Yes. 100%. Kathy agrees.

Juliet: Okay. Okay. Let's go ahead and get started. Yeah.

Kimberly: Okay.

Juliet: Have a seat.

*Shawn grabs Juliet's arm*

Shawn: I'm not just gonna give up on us, alright?

(A/N: Last sentence tho... I wanna man like that. I started crying yet again when he said that lol)

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