I'm speaking with my maker!

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Season 8 episode 3 (Revised from season 1 episode 12)

That was one of my favorite episodes in season 1 so when I saw that it was a remake I was like "YESSSSSS!!!" so there is a lot of scenes here lol


Shawn: Hey, Detective Lassiter. And hello, junior detective...

*Shawn caresses Juliet's cheek and Lassie smacks him*

Shawn: Oww. O'Hara.

It's 2006, remember?

Shawn: What are you guys doing in the courthouse?

Juliet: Detective Lassiter and I made the arrest of Sandra Panitch. 

*Shawn starts staring at Jules*

Juliet: What are you staring at?

Shawn: Your clavicle. 


Lassie: Spencer! I don't have all day!

Shawn: I'm speaking with my maker!

Henry: Fine. This is not some silly game, and you better not treat it like one. 

Shawn: I'm doing my damnedest here to make you proud in as subdued and civilized manner as I know how. After all... who taught me everything I know?

Henry: Okay, thanks. I, uh, I appreciate that.

Shawn: Good talk, Pop. Thanks for coming by. 

*Shawn turns around and starts flailing his arms*

Shawn: Psychic vision time, baby!!

*Henry gives him an angry look*


Shawn: Sometimes things are a lot more one-sided then we would like them to be, aren't they, Mr. Camp? For example, I can relate because I'm a psychic. Which means love is even more difficult for me than it is for you. But there is a woman in this courtroom right now. A little slice of blonde perfection. A perfectly formed Beignet lightly dusted with powdered sugar and a badge. 

*Juliet smiles slightly*

Shawn: The first time that I saw her, I had a vision that we would be married. And we would have so many kids that most of them would have to be put up for adoption. 

*Juliet makes a face*


Adam: Hey, Shawn, can I broach something personal with you?

Shawn: Broach away. 

Adam: You know that junior detective that you're so smitten with?

Shawn: Jules. Sure.

Adam: Jules. If things aren't gonna go anywhere in the future, would you mind if I threw my hat in the ring?

Shawn: Ahahaha. Are you being serious?

Adam: Yeah, I mean, only if you're cool with it. Otherwise, you know, I'll back off. 

Shawn: Course I'm cool with it, man. I mean, she does her thing. You know I do my thing. And, you know, and then sometimes, you know, we fiddle. We fiddle about. But yeah, you should... you should go for it. 

Adam: Yeah? Really?

*Shawn's voice turns really high-pitch for the rest of this scene*

Shawn: Yeah, get in there if you can.

Adam: Yeah?

Shawn: Yeah, do it up! Make it happen for yourself if it's right. 

Adam: Nah, I won't do it.

Shawn: No, you should do it.

Adam: You want me to?

Shawn: Do it!

Adam: Alright. I'm gonna go do this. 

*Shawn's voice goes back to normal*

Shawn: Okay. 

Adam: I'm gonna do it right now. I'm gonna get her right now. Ohh, you guys. I'll see you around, guys.

Shawn: Alrighty, buddy.

*Adam leaves*

Gus: You are really gonna let him do that?

Shawn: Oh, please, Gus, come on. She's not gonna be into Hornstock. He's- he's Hornstock. 

Gus: How do you know?

Shawn: Because, I can—

*Shawn puts his finger to his temple*

Gus: Dude, you do realize you're not really psychic?

Shawn: Son of a— Hornstock, hold up! Just.. wait a second! Hold up for a— 

*Shawn runs after Adam*

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