You're just gonna have to deal with the fact that I love her, okay?

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Season 6 episode 1 


*Shawn's hooked up to a lie detector*

Shawn: Okay, really? Jules, c'mon. Will you tell him to please stop this?

Juliet: Why?

*Shawn pulls out the photo of him*

Shawn: Because it's wrong, that's why. Look, sure, I look a lot like this guy. But it- it's a fax. It's blurry. It's from the side. Who would even send this picture?

Juliet: I'm sorry, Shawn, you're on your own with this. 

Lassie: First question... what is your name?

Shawn: There is a murderer on the loose!

Lassie: That is not your name.

Shawn: ... Shawn Spencer. 

Lassie: Truth. We're off to a good start. Where were you the night of the party?

Shawn: Let's see, uh... I talked with Gus...

*Flashback of Shawn and Gus talking on the walkie talkies*

Shawn: Played some video games...

*Flashback of Shawn playing with the rich kid's video game*

Shawn: Yeah, we were... we were talking a little Star Wars. 

*Flashback of Shawn taking the stolen Darth Vader toy back*

Shawn: Look, Lassie, we both know what this is about. This is about me and Juliet. 

*Chief Vick and Henry walk into the room*

Lassie: Answer only my questions, please. 

Shawn: Yes, we're together. You hate it. I get it. 

Lassie: Spencer. 

Shawn: I- I can't help it, man. I've been fighting this thing for years. 

Lassie: Spencer. Spencer, stop. 

Shawn: It's not just gonna go away.

Lassie: Stop!

Shawn: You're just gonna have to deal with the fact that I love her, okay? 

*Everyone's quiet*

*Everyone looks at the lie detector*

Shawn: Hmm.... alright, can I get out of here? I've just about solved this case. 

Lassie: One more question.

Shawn: If it will make you happy. 

Lassie: I think it will.

*Shawn sighs*

Lassie: Are you psychic? 

*Shawn laughs*

Shawn: Excuse me?

Lassie: Are you, Shawn Spencer, psychic?

*Everyone's quiet*

Henry: You have to answer that one, Shawn. 

*Gus takes off his police visitor badge thingie*

*Shawn takes a deep breath*

Shawn: Yes. 

*His heart rate doesn't move on the lie detector*

*Lassie taps it angrily*

Juliet: No deception indicated. 

*Shawn smiles*

Lassie: Ju- just h-hold it. Hold it. I repeat, are you psychic?

Shawn: Yes, I am. 

Lassie: A person of psychic ability?

Shawn: I am. 

Lassie: With the ability to see into the future?

Shawn: I am. I'm so psychic, I can't even believe it. Want to try it in Spanish? Si. Mucho clarividente. Estoy sin piernas. 

Gus: You just said that you were legless. 

Shawn: You're legless.

*Shawn grabs the photo of him*

Shawn: This is not me. This is a guy with similar hair and no idea how to style it. 

Chief Vick: Okay, I think we've heard about enough of this, Carlton. 

Shawn: Oh, and I know who killed that woman, if anyone's interested. 

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