Was that inappropriate?

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Season 1 episode 8 


*Telephone rings*

*Juliet picks it up and rubs her neck painfully*

*Shawn is on the other end*

Shawn: Somebody needs a hot oil massage.

Juliet: Pardon?

Shawn: Stress? Tough day at the office? Who are you kidding? You'll probably never get those reports typed. 

Juliet: Who is this?

Shawn: Shawn.

Juliet: Spencer?

Shawn: Great! You were already thinking about me. You know, you should roll your head both directions if you really want that to work.

Juliet: Okay, where are you?

Shawn: On the phone. Where are you?

Juliet: You know damn well where I am. How can you see me?

Shawn: Do you really want to know?

Juliet: I don't ask questions I don't want to know the answer to. 

Shawn: Ooh, then never ask a boyfriend if he thinks your sister's hot.

Juliet: I don't have a sister.

Shawn: How about a boyfriend? (A/N: BURNNNNN)

Juliet: Where are you?

*Juliet stands up and looks around for Shawn*

Shawn: Well, there's a spectral plane where all of our auras are visible, see. And when a should is tortured or stressed, like yourself—

Juliet: Okay, never mind. 

Shawn: You asked. 

Juliet: You know what, Shawn, I have a really hectic day today. The Chief, she's—

Shawn: Out of the office. Going to the seminar on non-lethal weaponry with Lassiter, out of town. She sort of left you in charge. 

Juliet: Okay, psychic. Give me the details. How did you figure that out?

Shawn: Most of it is in her day planner. 

*Juliet looks over and see's Shawn in Chief Vick's office*

*Juliet gasps*

Juliet: You cannot be in the Chief's office!

Shawn: Oh, come on. She's not gonna know. You notice how no one ever looks in here? Why is that? What are you guys so afraid of? It's not like the belly bites. She's actually a pretty kickball lady, if you give her a chance. I mean, look what she's done with this place. It's really warm in here. I know I can't stay away. And have you tried this chair?

*Shawn stands up and sits back down*

Juliet: Okay, you have five seconds to get your butt out of— actually, you know what? Stay right there.

Shawn: Ooh. Indecisive. I like that. 

*Juliet hangs up and walks into the Chief's office*

*She throws her notebook at him*

Juliet: Take a look at that. Tell me what you think. 

Shawn: Flower doodle in the upper hand corner is excellent... but this horse at the bottom doesn't look anything like My Little Pony. 

Juliet: The writing, not—hey, that's a dog. I draw when I get anxious. 

Shawn: I think you made a wise decision not going into animation, Juliet. 

*Juliet rolls her eyes*

Shawn: Okay, fine. Something about a missing kid. 

Juliet: Oh, he's not a kid, he's 18, and he's only been gone for 24 hours, so technically, he's not missing. 

Shawn: You want my help. 

Juliet: I'm not sure yet. His name is Malone Breyfogle. 

Shawn: Malone Breyfogle? 

Juliet: Mm-hmm. 

Shawn: I can tell you this much—the kid's been lifted up by his underwear more than once. 

Juliet: He seems like a good kid. Honor roll. Never been in trouble. His mother's worried sick. 

Shawn: But you can't do anything until he's been missing for 48 hours. That's so stupid.

Juliet: Exactly. I know the rules and regulations. They made sense when I memorized them. But... when you have to look into some poor mother's eyes and tell her she can't worry about her son until he's 2 days missing... 

Shawn: That is really depressing. Consider me hired!

Juliet: You're not hired. I can't pay you. If it turns out there's something to it, I'll make sure you get put on the case. That's all I can do. 

Shawn: Juliet... I'm quite sure we can work out some kind of services exchange. You see, I like to do a little sketching myself, and sometimes... I need a model. 

Juliet: Ha.

*Juliet gets up and leaves him*

Shawn: ... Was that inappropriate? 

*Juliet gives him a look*

Shawn: Felt okay.

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