Chapter 7

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I run my pointer finger down the side of her arm, watching her sleep has become my favorite thing to do. I've loved Tessa for as long as I can remember. Her eyes are so perfect the way her blonde hair compliments them just makes my stomach flutter.

I lay my hand on her shoulder moving closer to her body. Holding her before she wakes up I know she is going to push me away, she is so shy and adorable when I get so close and lovey towards her. I want to kiss her.

I move her hair from her smooth face her eyes flutter as I do. I smile knowing that I can’t live without her. I move my face closer to hers. Her body moves slowly as she breathes, I want to kiss her perfect little nose. I move in to kiss her.

"Hardin." I hear a voice. I look around I don't see anyone or anything that could make a noise, I hug Tessa tighter wanting the voice to go away.

"Hardin!" It's getting loader. I am shaking in fear. I close my eyes hoping I will fall asleep. I quickly open my eyes for look at Tessa one more time.

She's gone. "Tessa!" I am in the black room, I can’t see anything. I start to run, I am running an endless loop. Tessa! I can't hear my voice it won't come out of my mouth. She won't hear me. Its dark I can't see anything knowing that I can't find Tessa my life will no longer have meaning. I feel a hand touch mine it's not Tessa's I look at my hand but no one is there.

"Hardin!" It's my mum. That voice it's my mum. I hear her call out my name, where is she?

Mum! I know she will hear me. I just know it. Running again not sure where I will end up. I trip and land on my face. I look up I am in my childhood bedroom.

"Hardin. Come on Tessa is here you two will be late for your first day if you don't hurry up!" I laugh running down the stairs.

"Sorry mum I tripped while putting on my pants." Tessa chuckles at me.

"What's so funny?" I look at her laughing along with her. Her hair is in a tight high ponytail I love when her hair is up it shows her beautiful face. Her eyes are glowing in the sunlight.

"You’re too much." She takes my hand and guides me to the car. "Our first day! We are Sophomore's!" She seems more excited than I do. I put my right hand on the top of the steering wheel. I know she is looking. I can feel her eyes on me.

"Are you going to get your license this year Tessa?" I ask her. She refuses to get her license, she failed her test on purpose I know she did, I'm not stupid.

"I like when you drive me around Hardin." She smirks, "keep your eyes on the road." She giggles. How can I keep my eyes on the road when she is looking so beautiful.

The drive seemed longer then it should. I want to park and hold her hand, I want to kiss her tell her that I want to be in a relationship... But she is with Zed, Zed took her from me and I don't think I will ever forgive him for that.

"Something on your mind?" She puts her hand on my arm. Her energy shoots through me like a ton of bricks. Looking at her now hurts. Her beauty will never be mine.

"No, is Zed meeting you today? Or are we hanging out?" I shove her off, my energy shifted real quick. Thinking about him touching her makes my skin crawl. He is no good for her, I've known him forever he is just not good enough for her.

"We can hang if you want Hardin... You just have to ask." I don't want to ask I want you to already be with me not him.

"No, I don't have to ask Tessa." I'm getting angry, "I don't have to be the one asking... You are supposed to be with me! Being with him is going to ruin your future and I don't want that for you!"

"You can't tell me who or what I can do!" The school is finally in few as I park she grabs her bags and storms out of the car.

I follow far behind Tessa makes it to the front we we see Natalie is sitting in the front with Elijah.

"Took you long enough." She says as Tessa and I walk up. Nat is one of our friends we have known her since the sixth grade Eli is her boyfriend she pushed his way into our friend group. We don't see them out of school much, though.

"Tessa, see you after class." I say as I walk into the building. She ignores me as she waits for Zed.

The school is empty I turn around and I don't see Tessa following in. I turn left there was the people I walk through the crowd of people they begin to move in too close. For some reason I can't feel them... As they move in closer... I hear something.

"Hardin." I hear a calm voice call my name. I look around the halls one moment they are filled with people, the next the halls are empty. "Hardin." I hear her. The voice is so clear. Looking around the empty halls. It's Tessa.

"Tessa?" I am calling her name. "Where are you?" The hall is getting longer and longer as I'm walking, my strides becomes a run. I am hoping she can hear me. Where is she?

"Hardin. Can you hear me?" The voice is louder. It's so clear. It sounds as if she is right next to me. I run through a door a bright light consumes me.

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