Chapter 22

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The hospital was darker than usual, the lights were dim, Kim walked ahead of me.

"Tess, you got it from here. I got somethings I got to do, get Hardin ready for his physical therapy." She walks away. I slowly make my way to his room. The halls seemed longer. My strides are small. Why am I not moving? I can't stop thinking about last night. My brain is all over the place. I have never had or seen anything like that. Why was I thinking about that? Every inch of me acted for him, thinking of how his body moves, his fingers. My body became limb at the thought of his tongue; I am slowly losing it. I step into the elevator time slowed down as the bright red numbers counted down. My hand rubs up and down my leg.

My head leans back as I let out a sigh, thinking of his cock pushing into me is making my body hot. The doors open I see a man standing on the other side he clears his throat as I step out my knees are week imagining being lifted up in his arms, I trip walking out; the man chuckles as the elevator doors close. I move closer to Hardin's door my hand, is slow in reaching for the handle, my heart races. I finally reach the handle. I am afraid to see his face.

I open the door. Hardin isn't in his bed, "Hardin!" The pleasure I was felling fell away fast, I rush to his bed then I rush my way to the bathroom, but I hear a horsed voice coming from the floor on the other side of the bed.

"Over here." I walk to the other side of his bed closest the window and see him on the floor. Laying there with his hands under his head. Seeing him so vulnerable is kind of cute, his breathing is heavy with anger at himself and I have the urge to climb down on the flood and straddle him. Every inch of me wants to follow through. He removes his hands his eyes are on me; my hands begin to sweat. My breathing becomes heavy. He manages to lean on his elbows. I open my mouth to distract me from my thoughts.

"What the fuck did you do!?" I laugh a little, watching him struggle. Waiting for him to ask for help, every part of me wants him to ask me to come down there with him. I start to lean over but I sit on his bed instead.

"I wanted to get out of bed." He looks over at the wall knowing how stupid he was for even trying without asking for help.

"And you didn't think of asking someone?" He shifts his head back and glares at me.

"No, I don't need help." His head is turned back at the wall again, anger fuels me, the pleasure flies right out the window.

"Really Hardin!?" I stand up and walk away with a stupid limp. I want him to tell me to stop, why isn't he saying anything? I walk slowly waiting for him to say something. I hear him grunt.

"No Tessa, wait." I stop and wait for him to say more. "I'm sorry." I turn my body around and I move closer. He lifts his hands in the air, I bend down to help him but to my surprise he pulls me into a kiss. He lays his left hand on the back of my head. He grips some of my hair in between his fingers. I straddle him like I had planned to... but my foot was aggravated from the sprain this shit was getting uncomfortable. I pull away, he tries to pull me back.

"This is getting uncomfortable." I begin to stand on my feet, I lean over and give him my hand.

"Sorry." He says, I lift him up the rest of the way and help him into the wheelchair. He eyes me. "Kiss me again." He grins, he pulls me in slowly he smiles as he moves in closer. I want to sit on that chair with him, I move in to sit but Kim walks into the door.

"Am I interrupting?" Kim says, everything in me wants to mouth 'Leave.' Hardin grunts as I pull away. I have never been so mad at Kim; I want to laugh at the same time. "Come on Hardin." Kim come to take his chair. I push my way in to grab his chair he smiles at me as I pass Kim she mouths. 'Sorry.' I smile at her. Pushing him was tough but worth every second.

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