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Yoongi woke up earlier than his usual schedule for the weekend. After staying in Daegu for two weeks, he got a lot of emails from his company that he needs to work with.

With his second cup coffee, he settles himself on his working table. A doorbell disturbed his solitude. He grumpily got up his seat to get the door.

He was nonplussed upon seeing the man standing right on his front door. "Mr. Jeon, good morning?" His greetings turned out to be a question wondering what Mr. Jeon was doing that early at his home.

"Good morning Yoongi." Jungkook smiled at his employee.

Yoongi almost left stunned. It feels like a deja vu for him. The last time Mr. Jeon came into his home, it was for Ken.

"I know how you feel Yoongi. It's been a while and the last time I was in your doorstep, it didn't end well but I'm here for another reason. Can I get in?" Jungkook looked behind Yoongi trying to see if Jin is ready.

"Yes, sure. Of course." Yoongi stepped on the side and let Jungkook in.

"You're busy with the new project, aren't you?" Jungkook eyes wander around the house. This is different from the last where Ken used to live. But nonetheless, it's a nicer one.

"I'm on a vacation for two weeks, sir. I have a lot of pending works." Yoongi showed Jungkook his laptop in which Jungkook reviewed his work.

Jungkook lifts his face and takes a look around. "Where is Jin?"

"He's still asleep, sir."

"Asleep?!!" Jungkook almost fell on his seat. Damn! He whispered, annoyed. "Can you wake him up, please?"

Jungkook's reaction caused Yoongi to stand up immediately. He knocked on a door and started to call Jin's name.

Jungkook still looking pissed, with his hands in his pocket, he paced back and forth in front of Jin's bedroom door.

After about five minutes of knocking, Jin opened the door with hooded eyes, pouty lips, messy hair and his top slants on the side exposing his shoulders.

Yoongi looks worried seeing his roommate like that. Jungkook runs his fingers through his hair trying to calm himself down.

"I told you I will pick you up at 7, right?" Jungkook asked with his teeth clenched teeth as if trying his anger to subside.

"I was hoping you will at least greet me a good morning, you know." Jin lazily walks past Jungkook, even bumping him with his shoulder. "Coffee?" Jin lifts the carafe, showing it to Jungkook.

Jungkook inhales deeply looking up the ceiling trying to contain his emotion. He lets out a heavy sigh before walking to where Jin is currently sitting and enjoying his cup of coffee. He holds Jin's wrist, puts down the cup on the counter causing Jin to frown at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Jin asked pulling his arm away from Jungkook's hold.

"I told you that I will be at your doorsteps at 7 to pick you up. Now you're asking me what's wrong?" Jungkook's eyebrows met at the center.

"Did I agree to that? Did I say yes? As far as I can remember, I went out of your apartment without confirming anything." Jin sips from the cup as if Jungkook's anger is nothing to him.

Jungkook closed his eyes. He has been very forgiving of Jin. "Okay fine, but please, can you get ready now? Soobin is waiting for you. Just continue eating your breakfast in my apartment. I already prepared the food."

Jin chuckled satirically. "As you should."

Jungkook just let that one pass. He doesn't want to create a wrong impression on Yoongi. As much as he wants to exchange bickerings with Jin, he needs to give way as first, he's the one asking for a favor and second, Yoongi will witness how petty they both are.

To add more to Jungkook's annoyance, it took Jin almost an hour to finish. He has been tapping his finger on the table with a cold cup of coffee in front of him and an uncomfortable Yoongi waiting anxiously with him in the living area.

"Let's go?" Jin went out of the bedroom and then out of the apartment. He did not let Jungkook speak whatever he wanted to say. For him, it's too early to bicker with Soobin's demanding father.

Inside the car, Jungkook keeps on glancing on Jin's distressed jeans. The rips are too big and too high for his liking.

"Why did you wear those jeans?" Jungkook can't help not to ask. He is distracted by the holes on Jin's pants.

Jin inspects his jeans and sees nothing wrong. "This is my favorite pair of jeans."

"The holes are too big and too high," Jungkook said without looking at Jin.

"Then don't look. Only perverts will give malice to this." Jin said while he continues to play Candy Crush on his phone.

Jungkook shakes his head. As weeks go by, he already knows how hard-headed Jin can get.

"So you still went to a movie last night?" Jungkook asked again.

Jin clicked his tongue. "None of your business."

"You did because you cannot wake up early. Or you really forgot about Soobin?"

Jin puts down his phone and glared at Jungkook. "Mr. Jeon, I would like to remind you again that I am Soobin's teacher. I am not a baby sitter or your servant. I don't even know why I agreed into this day out I should be sleeping until my head hurts or enjoying my day alone or maybe with Namjoon."

"Stop inserting Namjoon's name."

"Then stop inserting Soobin's name just to make me feel guilty. I know you only want me to come because you want to divide responsibility. I'm only a teacher, I agreed to become his tutor even if it's against the policy. I don't know why I even agreed to wait for you until you get home. I don't know why I need to cook food for him. I don't know why you should treat me as your servant and made me feel as if I am responsible for your son! Don't you dare make me feel guilty when you yourself fucked up us a father!"

Jin grabbed on his seat when Jungkook suddenly made a u-turn.

"Where are we going?" Jin asked, his eyes round and confused.

Jungkook did not answer. He just drives. Jin froze in his seat when Jungkook stops in front of his apartment.

Jin looks at Jungkook, still puzzled.

"Out," Jungkook said while breathing heavily. His hands gripped tightly in the steering wheel.

Jin cannot move. He didn't know what to do. "Jungkook, I'm sorry."

"I said out!" Jungkook gave Jin a glare causing him to almost jump out of Jungkook's car.

Jin watches the car as it sped off.

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