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Jungkook has been smiling like an idiot from the car, to the elevator until we reached his apartment. I don't know why he thinks I am calling him daddy. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Do you need anything?" He asked as soon as we entered his apartment. I've been tutoring Soobin for how many weeks now and I never needed anything.

"I don't. Just prepare my salary for later." I pulled Soobin's hand to bring him to the study room. I can hear Jungkook chuckling as he enters his bedroom.

"Daddy is happy," Soobin said out of nowhere. He sat down on his usual seat and took out his notes and books.

"Isn't he always happy?" I sat down beside him looking at his 'amazed' reaction.

Soobin shakes his head and looks at me. "Daddy rarely smiles. He doesn't care about me. But lately, he's always happy and he always checks on me. He still cries at night, though."

My forehead creased upon hearing that. So Soobin is aware that his father is unhappy "Your father cries at night? Really?"

Soobin nods. His face frowning and his lips sticking out. "Because of appa. He still talks to his picture at night. But it's not as frequent as before. All I can hear lately are his loud snores."

Soobin giggles and it sounds good. Back then, Soobin was reserved and sad, but lately, he's starting to open up to me and he's laughing a lot more.

"Your daddy is happy as long as you're happy. Also, he appreciates all your effort in school. So, don't worry too much about not perfecting your exams. It's absolutely fine." I pat his back. Lately, Soobin is worried that his father will not be happy about his grades. But it's one of the reasons why his father brought him to the theme park.

"Daddy is nice to me, lately. I hope he won't change." Soobin flashes his bunny smile. The same smile his father has. I never thought the bunny teeth can be inherited.

"He won't. Just promise Teacher Jinnie that you will smile for him every day, is that okay?"

Soobin smiles and raises his pinky finger. "I promise."

I locked my pinky finger to him before we start doing his homework.

Somehow, my rants gave positive results. I know Jungkook is still struggling. It's not that easy. But I guess seven years of grief is enough. He needs to face the world without Ken. He needs to move on for his son. And I'm glad that slowly, he's showing progress.

"You want Lemon Garlic Chicken for dinner, Binnie?" A fresh from the bath smell hit my nose. Jungkook smells sweet and very pleasant. I tried my best not to look at him, I am busy checking Soobin's work, anyway.

Soobin sounds extremely excited he quickly screamed yes. I noticed Soobin loves chicken.

"You take your dinner here, Jin." I heard Jungkook said, I saw his slipper-less feet on the floor and his slightly hairy lower legs. Is it rude if I will not lift my head to answer him? Well, yeah, it is.

But I regret looking at him. Jungkook is standing a few feet away from me in his almost half-naked glory with his wet long curly hair, my jaw almost dropped.

I wonder why he loves showing off his inked body. He is wearing a large tank top with dropped armhole and low neckline it bares his full sleeve and body tattoo.

"Jin?" Jungkook waves his hand in front of my face.


Jungkook snorts. "Really? I think I need more work out."


"You said I'm sexy."

"I did?"

Jungkook lets out a small laugh. Did I really say he's sexy?

I looked at Soobin and I can see that he was confused. He's looking at his father then back at me. "Why are you red Teacher Jinnie?"

Shit! Shit! I blushed!

"It's hot," I said while fanning myself.  Fuck! Not again! He will give another meaning to it. "Can you turn the aircon, please?"

Jungkook smiled naughtily at me. I hated it. "The aircon is on. I think I need to get out to lessen the hotness of the room. Right, Jin?"

I shift my gaze around the room. I think my nostrils twitch and my mouth curled downward in extreme embarrassment. I know I am noisy but I really do wish I can keep my mouth shut in this kind of instance. If Soobin is not here, I think I already throw the book on the back of Jungkook's head.

"Do you like my daddy?" That question made me sweat even more. How can a seven-year-old child ask me that?

"Of course I like your father." I smiled at Soobin to appease him.

"Are you going to be my appa?"

My eyes just pop in surprise. "Soobin, no. I mean, I like your father but not in a romantic way. I mean, I like his personality and I like that he's nice to you. I like that he's cooking for you. You know."

I take a glimpse of Soobin's reaction and I'm glad that he looks back at his book. I think he understands what I mean. I hope he will not ask something crazy in front of his father or else, I'm dead. I had enough of embarrassment today.


"Done!" Soobin raised his pencil as he pushes the book towards me. "I answered everything. I followed your instructions carefully."

"That's great to hear." I placed the book in front of me to check his work and I am beyond proud that Soobin is quickly improving in his Language subject.

"I want daddy to be proud of me." He mused. His eyes are glassy and full of warmth. Something new to me.

"Your father is proud of you." I looked at him at eye level and gave him a reassuring smile. "Pack away now and go to the kitchen, I can already smell your father's lemon garlic chicken."

Soobin jumped from his seat and ran towards the kitchen after packing away his things. I am glad that he's slowly learning the patterns. That whatever he uses, he needs to pack away after.

I grabbed my bag and headed on to the kitchen. Soobin is kneeling on the cushioned chair while waiting for the dinner that his father prepared.

I must admit, I tend to stare longer whenever he tried to look hot. Or maybe he's not even trying. He's just plain, sexy. His broad back while stirring something from the stove is way sexier than his buff body. A man who can cook is a big plus point for me.

"Can I help?" I offered.

"Yes, please." He glanced at me and looked at the cabinet. "The utensils, please."

I think having dinner with them is now becoming a norm for me. It's been a while. As much as I want to skip the meal, I just can't. I guess ditching Soobin last weekend is enough. It's nice to witness a father and son bonding. I am starving so bad to bond with my son too.

I'm happy that I get to witness the slow progress of Jungkook. It's funny how I want him to heal when I am still broken. Perhaps, Soobin is my physical escape, using him to cope with my loss. I felt happy, relieved and peaceful knowing I made a kid happy. Something I am dying to see from my Haneul's face. But it's okay, one day, I can finally say to myself that I am happy. Incomplete but happy.

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