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after dropping emma off at school, the two grabbed brunch. brandon's phone was pointing towards jade as he smiled at her, clearly jade was off guard.
though she was thinking, thinking a lot about her and brandon.

will this ever really work out?

brandon's little giggle was interrupting her thoughts and she felt a smile creeping it's way on her face.
"what?" her eyes went to him, looking at how he was admiring her.

"you're just amazing jade. i don't say it enough but i appreciate you, i appreciate your presence and everything you've done for me these past months." he grabbed her hand and brought it close to him, pressing a gentle kiss onto it.

letting out a breath, this just signaled to jade that she should stop worrying. there's nothing stopping the two, but she needs to adapt to this new thing. that new thing being, brandon's girlfriend.

"thank you." she said lightly.
her voice was angelic and soft to brandon, different from his ex-wife's.
hers was stern and professional.
speaking of his ex-wife, the tv nearby them took their attention as it mentioned lynn's name.

jade softly let go of brandon's hand and instead grabbing the menu.
he sat there, watching jade browse the menu as the tv continued to talk about lynn and her recent "split".

so much for marrying a model then having her leave you.

jade's eyes scanned the menu as brandon flagged down a waitress.
"yea, we're ready." he smiled.

the waitress recognized brandon from off the tv but didn't want to ruin their late morning.
"of course what can i get for you?"
"i'll get the french toast with eggs and hashbrowns on the side? oh, add an orange juice please." brandon told the waitress his order then handed her the menu.

"for you miss?"
"may i get the breakfast platter, scrambled eggs please with an iced tea." she smiled.

the waitress nodded then made her way back to her station. brandon interlocked his hands with jade's once again.
"you're awfully quiet this fine morning, what's been on your mind?"

"thinking, a lot." she scoffed at herself.
"hey, don't do that. i'm sure none of it is that dumb or however you think it is. i want to know you more than what i already know."

their drinks came and brandon made a face at jade, "i'm waiting j. i want to know the real jade latrell."
"trust me, she's embarrassing." then laughing at herself, brandon took note of everything in his head.

she was the muse.

"so let me start off with high school, i was one of those 4.0 geeks. up until senior year i was the most innocent thing at lincoln high, graduation was rough. got broken up with by my boyfriend of three years, his name is edwin but let's disregard that. i went to a community college in montana but i dropped and moved here."

brandon held his hand up to pause her,
"you told me that you have a boyfriend and nothing about broken up."
she laughed and sighed, "i only told you that so that i didn't seem all like bad to you."
"it wouldn't have mattered if you have a boyfriend or not," he replied.

"anyways, my parents are the sweetest things ever and didn't want to let me go so i packed up and left, telling them that if i stayed i would be unhappy. they let me move here and i met you."
brandon was now smiling, only knowing a little bit more had opened his point of view.

"if you were continuing college and going into university what was your major?"
"journalism, throughout high school i was a poet." she said shaking her head.

he raised his eyebrows, "then you could've been a poetry major?"
her head went down and she shook her head again, "i didn't see a career in writing and journalism. that's why i dropped."

brandon got up and sat next to her on the other side of the booth, placing his hand on her thigh.
"you are truly amazing, j. trust me on that."
he kissed her temple and she lightly smiled.

maybe he's a keeper

though jade still had a lot to say, she kept most of it to herself saving those things for another time.

·.·'¯'·.·authors note·.·'¯'·.·
this chapter lwk sucksss but hi it's kinda been a while. i'm sick in bed writing this at 2am :)

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