Chapter 1

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(Rin pov)

"You're a murderer just like we said!!!" The words rattled in my head like a bomb every time they were said. I hated those words so much but they were true. My twin brother Yukio 'accidentally' said that I killed our father to the class. Now they all have real proof that I have killed somebody, not saying that the blue knight's murderers aren't enough proof. Because they are. I am a monster. I am a demon. I am a killer. I am the son of Satan. the monster himself. 'heh, maybe one of these days I could be worse than him.' I think to myself with a weak smile as I look up at the blank white ceiling then look back down at the blade in my hand. I have many blades but this one is my favorite. I took it from my old man when he was still alive. I use as a way for him to look down at me and see myself trying to slowly repay him his life that I took away from him. I really miss the old man, he was always kind and loved me and he knew who to get through to me bene though a lot of the time he didn't know what I was thinking but he always tried to do what was best for me and Yukio and he was the best father anyone could ask for. I cut deep gashes in to shins I hit the bone at times but that was the point; I hoped if I cut deep enough they would scar. But not even the fate wants me to scar just so it can see my suffer and show me that I will never be like anyone else in this world; normal. Not that I ever was normal, I always knew I was different. I had abnormal strength for a eight year old, cause what kid can send several kids to hospital in a very bad state at the age of eight. Yeah no child can, but obviously I now was the first. Well I never was a child. I was a 'demon'. When I say 'demon' like that I mean  I was a demon but hidden away from the world and replaced with a dumbass, bratty, depressed boy. And now I know all of what I never knew I can now say I wish I could be a young boy again, I wan to relive my best years of my life but now I'm filled with dread and despair. It has not all been my fault though. Not my fault for being bullied, that's s person's choice to bully. And my 'friends' chose to bully me. But they have a good reason to so it's not a bad thing to do if you have a good reason to do it. I am a demon and a monster and many other of things along the lines of that so that's a good enough reason to bully and torment me. I've also realized I've developed trust issues after the first few weeks of being betrayed by my 'friend's' and everyone in the world hating me. Yup I guess this is how life is. If fate sees you good enough you get to die early by suicide or a accident. But then you have the people who live till seventy to sixty years old and that's punishment for the things they have done. But then you have me. The one that shall live forever as punishment for being born. Yukio should consider himself lucky he gets to pass away one day.

As I think of all of this I bring myself out of my thoughts to realize I am still cutting but my legs are red. Blood red, all the way up to my thighs where my boxers are. I stand up slowly and feel my legs shake but I don't care, I step our do the tub and get some cleaning suppliers to clean cuts, after I've done that I out my trousers back on; I don't need bandages as my wounds already heal very fast so if I out bandages on it would be pointless and a waist of supplies. I walk out the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Ukobach sitting on the counter. Ukobach always likes to wait for me so we can cook together, I like cooking with Ukobach; it gives me company and I have fun with him. Kuro often joins us in the kitchen and watches us cook and talks to me. I like the comfort and chats we all have. Yukio got fed up of me and all of us in general and moved to the main dorm used on campus so now I have the whole of the old dorm to myself. I haven't really told this to Mephisto but I'm pretty sure he already knows some how but I like to do art and I use teh spare rooms  to paint in. I already have three filled rooms that I have painted on the walls. A lot of them have meanings behind them but two walls I've painted Re just because I like them. One is a galaxy and I like it, it's pretty. The other is a starry night, I love it; it's beautiful. But the others have deep meanings behind them. One of them is me when I was I the church crying holding the koma sword. There's a quote on it. It's says "Remember you is easy, I do it everyday. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away." That quote is very true. Not all my paintings and drawings have quotes on them, some are just pictures with a meaning some have no meaning and some are just there because they look pretty.

Once I have all the ingredients out I start to cook with Ukobach and Kuro sitting on the counter watching and talking to us. These two are my only friends. And I trust them a lot, and that's saying something. Guess demons are more trust worthy than humans...

(Mephisto pov)

It's hit me over the last few months that Rin was sad, I never really pay attention to my brother's feelings but  when I say Rin's paintings I finally understood. I kinda wish I killed him first then he wouldn't be in this mess or I sent him to Gehenna when he was a child and he wouldn't be so sad and depressed and filled with dread and have no trust in anyone. He has no trust in me what so ever but that's expected, no-one trusts me, cause it's me. I wouldn't trust me either. I can't do anything as I'm not exactly welcome to Gehenna anymore. I pissed father off an did I went back I would be crying in my room for months on end, let's just say that, no other details. I ran away from father at a young age ( Hundred thousand years to be specific), being so young and being away form family isn't bad but father didn't like us going away. All eight of us were made but Beelzebub had hardly met me in his own thousand years of being alive which isn't long for a demon king. I ran away to Assiah and built up on being in the True Cross Order. And now look at where I am, the head teacher and a big part of everyones lives and plans. The centre of attention just like it should be. I don't always like being the centre of attention these last hundred years have really been tiring me out and I want to go back to Gehenna but I know I can't. I can't upset my brother's more.

(Rin pov)

I got ready for bed and as I laid down I thought of something. 'I really need someone to talk to. I don't have anyone bother than Kuro but I need someone more and I know that's selfish but still... Maybe just maybe I could talk to him.'

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