chapter 7

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(Rin pov)

I woke up on the bed that I suppose I should call mine, I blinked the darkness away the darkness that once blinded my eyes. I sat up slowly and pushed away teh covers to get up. 'It's quiet... It's nice.' I think as I stand and think I need to change my clothes. 'Oh right... There's none of my clothes here...' I think as I remember everything that has happened in the last week. I walk to my door and step out and walk to the dining room. 'What's the time here?' I asked myself wanting to know. I may complain of the demon here but I still want to know of everything in this world. It's so different and interesting, and that garden was beautiful, I love it.

Pushed the door open to the dining room to find it completely dead. No-one was there. "Hello?" I said a little too loudly and it echoed. I was surprised by the echo but it made an interesting discovery of the dining hall. I walked around and then I saw a sign that was in a different language but I could still some how read it. "Kitchen." I said aloud and the. I entered. I stopped and stared back as soon as I saw the cooking demons staring at me in shock. "Uh..." I didn't know what to do as I'd never seen any of them before.

"Young prince what are you doing here?"  One of the demons asked telepathically. "I-I... Uh..." I panicked but soon took a breath and said: "I wanted to cook so I came here." I said trying to sound confident . The look at each other and then proceeded to have mental conversation. "Well there are different spices and ingredients here so it would be better to study them first before cooking. Amduscius is going to get down books for you now." The tallest demon said. "Oh ok, thank you." I replied with a nervous smile. "No need to thank us." The other demon said back with a sincere smile. "Here you are my prince." The demon I thought to be Amduscius came into the kitchen with three books, two large but not too big and another thin. "Thank you." I say bowing my head and walking out. I stand outside the door and release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I looked around once I had calmed down, I thought on where I should go and finally deciding ok the garden which took me a bit of time to find. I went in and for the first time I saw the garden in the night with firefly type lights lighting up the garden and the crystals shining their beautiful colours everywhere.

(Third person pov)

Rin sat down and began reading through the Gehennan cook books. They were in a different language supposed to be Gehennian. Being able to learn new things of cooking, a whole new world of cooking was exciting for Rin and made him happy but yet he still felt... Sad? Unhappy? Those were ways to describe but not the right word. Alone! That's the word. He felt alone and sad, he didn't feel content.

Time skip

"Hey." The voice brought Rin out of his reading with a jump. "Hi..." Rin said slowly. Lucifer sat down beside Rin on the rock Rin sat up on. The rock was tall so Rin's legs dangled whereas Lucifer's legs did not dangle. They sat in silence as Rin stared at the book not reading.

Time passed...

And passed...

And passed...


Rin finally broke...

"What's wrong?!" Lucifer asked worriedly as he saw tears roll down his youngest brothers face. Rin just continued to cry and the book fell of his lap onto to the ground of grass. "Rin?!" Lucifer questioned wanting to help. "I-I... I just feel so alone...!" Rin said wanting to shout and scream but couldn't. "Oh Rin..." Lucifer said finally understanding. Lucifer pulled Rin close and hugged him, Rin hugged back wanting and needing the physical comfort. "Shhh, I've got you. It's ok." Lucifer whispered sweet nothings to Rin as he comforted him.

After a while of hugging they separated bit Lucifer still had this arm around Rin and Rin lay his head on Lucifer's should and Rin's legs to his chest with arms around them. "I'm sorry..." Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong?" Lucifer questioned.  "For not trusting all of you. I was scared that if I trusted anyone again it would turn out the same. Me being preyed up on." Rin replied scared and shrinking more into Lucifer, Lucifer cuddled Rin more and tighter. "No  reason to be sorry for that, you were scared and put up s defence, anyone would do the same in your defence." Lucifer sympathised with Rin. "Thank you..." Rin said tiredly. "Want to go to my room and sleep?" Lucifer asked looking down at Rin. "Yeah..." Rin say quietly and nodded his head slowly. Lucifer teleported with a light portal and they landed him his bed. Lucifer helped Rin change as he willing let Lucifer change him. They got into bed once Lucifer had changed himself. Rin had also asked for a teddy and Lucifer got him a cute little bear with a red bow. The fell asleep cuddling together. And for once Rin did not feel lonley.

Time skip

(Lucifer pov)

Rin came out of my bathroom with black leggings and a white top with a bear on it saying "bear hugs" Rin also had a snuggly light brown fluffy jacket on. I had got him a few old clothes from the storage room that he could use for now. It was from mine and my brother's childhood years. They suited him well.

"Hi everyone." Rin said with a shy smile as we entered the dining room. "Rin," Mephisto said a little surprised. "Y-Yeah?" Rin questioned a little worried if what would happen next. "It's good to see you." Mephisto said with a smile. "uh... Thanks?"  Rin replied unsure of how to respond. "You have something to say Rin?" I asked reminded Rin of what he wanted to say and planned to say. "Oh right!" Rin said reminded. He took a breath and closed his eyes then reopening them and talking. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you all, I was scared to trust, sad angry and alone so I took it out on you guys which wasn't fair. I hope we can all start ovet?" The silence kept for a moment then everyone rushed up to Rin and hugged him. "Of course we can start over silly! We're family and we love you!" Egyn said enthusiastically. Rin smiled and laughed and it was real. Soon everyone quieted down and father came to Rin. "Does this mean you'll stop hating me?" Father asked sadly and hopingly. Rin hugged him and looked up at the much taller demon. "Does this answer your question?" Rin asked with a smile. "Yes." Father said hugging back.

After all the greets we sat down for breakfast. We sat as a whole family. A family with Rin. A Rin that felt and looked happy. And if he was happy we all were.

1213 words

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