(Book 2) Chapter 20

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Sorry there was no update on Monday my head wasn't working! Also, there may be times where I won't update as now I'm studying for my exams next year and I'll be one of the first years to go back to school as I have exams next year but I will try to keep my updating schedule normal as possible!

(Rin pov)

Over the last four years, things have been great, I've been crowned the Demon king of Balance and Gravity. I get to float in the air it's really fun, I made my brother float once and almost all of them puked at the feeling except Samuel. Samuel is the Demon King of Time and Space so that would make sense that he can handle the feeling. I also control the amount of good and evil in humans' hearts and I control the good and evil in the mind of demons not in the heart as demons don't have feelings in their hearts they register in the mind. Some don't have minds so I can't control them so they do whatever they want. I also have my own kin, the lower class demons just make humans do things that lean towards whichever type of demon they are, good or bad. Lower class only really has an influence on the heart, whereas a higher class can have an influence on heart and mind but they make sure the person has a balance of good and evil. And finally middle class, well there are more classes of demons but these are the main three demon classes for me. These demons will go into a child's heart when they are born and there are three types, good, bad, and in between. This will help determine the personality. The demon will stay with them their whole life, this demon can't survive without a body in Assiah. In Gehenna, they can roam freely. But higher classes can kick the middle and lower class of demons out and this can cause a change in the personality over time if the middle-class demon is gone for too long. 

Besides the fact I've been crowned a Demon King I've gotten closer with my family especially Lucifer and Azazel, I spend every mating season with them and Azazel always annoys me saying, baby? It annoys me so much honestly but it's funny, I also still love to try and catch their tails even when we're not in mating season. I've gotten closer to my brothers and father and they're very kind and once a year I see my mother. I always love my time with her, she tells me what heaven is like and she's told me she spends a lot of time with Shiro and she thinks he might like her we always gossip about stuff like that. She says my dad is proud of me and it made me cry but I'm glad she and my dad are alright. Correction, adoptive dad. I always tell my mom to send Shiro a message before she leaves again. And when she comes back she tells me what Shiro told her which is a reply to my message and part of a new message. 

I've also managed to fully control my flames and my enhanced form which I use for when I'm in battle. I've also worked out I am almost as powerful as father possibly more powerful. Fathers flames are stronger than mine and he has several powers but I got about one to five percent, we haven't worked it out yet, of my brother's powers, so I have a bit of each of my brother's powers but they are extremely hard to use and they tire me out so I never use them plus they are my brother's powers, not mine. 

(Third person view)

Everyone sat the table eating their lunch and Rin, Azazel, and Satan had finished and were waiting for the others to finish and they were almost done. Azazel sat beside Rin and Lucifer sat across from Rin and Satan was beside them at the head of the table. Rin was trying to catch Azazel's tail under the table until Satan ruined their fun. "Rin stop playing with your brother's tail and Azazel stop teasing him." His brothers gave a little laugh at the two mates being caught. Rin put sat up straight and looked grumpy and had his middle finger up under the table facing his father. "Rin," Satan said sternly. "Sorry father." Rin looked down at his plate with a face of just being caught and his hands clasped on the table. "You're as bad as Iblis, honestly." Satan sighed in frustration. "Iblis such  bad influence!" Egyn said jokingly. "How is this my fault?!" Iblis said shocked. "Satan just said Rin is as and as you meaning he took his attitude from you. Bad.Influence." Egyn explained. Iblis opened his mouth but nothing came out and he looked down at his plate with the same face as Rin. "I swear you two have such an attitude." I DO NOT!" Both flame users shouted in sink as they stood up with hands on the table. They looked at each other then looked back at Satan. "See," Satan said with a  hand gesture and a proud face that he had just owned his sons. They both sat down in a huff. But Rin cheered up Azazel's tail snaked over to his lap and Rin tried to catch it and soon enough he did and he didn't let him lift it, he just let it sit there and didn't let Azazel take it back. Satan sighed and shook his head with a smile when he saw Rin's happy kiddy face. "i have a meeting after lunch with a demon after lunch so don't come into the office until two alright?" He told his sons they all nodded, hummed, gave yes's, or whatever their way of saying okay was. 

Everyone went to do their own thing and but at the end of two hours, there was a bang and a crash.

Rin opened the door and saw Lucifer running by, "what's happening?" Rin asked worriedly. "Father has been attacked and the demon seems pretty tough he told us to wait in our rooms." He explained. Lately, Satan being attacked was becoming a normal thing and no-one knew why they had also heard crimes were being made more often in Assiah too. But Satan not letting them help was something they had not heard before. "We need to help!" Rin yelled back. "Father told us not to." Lucifer told him, "well, I'm going to anyway!" Rin ran out the door and Lucifer pulled him back. "He slapped Samuel fo trying help... He didn't mean it but this time we can't help." Lucifer explained sadly knowing it was killing Rin not to help. Rin stayed quiet for a moment before sighed and agreeing with a  reluctant fine. He went back into his room and waited for the bangs, crashes and fighting noises to vanish but they never did, he continued like that for three hours until he was done. He quickly teleported to the main hall where the fight was going on but there wasn't much of the main hall left it had been ruined and completely obliterated. But what struck him and made him act imminently was Satan was lying on the floor almost dead and with a black scaled demon standing over him about to kill him with a clear orb that had a black substance in it. Rin teleported and kicked him in the stomach and activating his gravity on him making him falling backward and out of the castle to only Satan knows. The only reason it worked was the demon was not expecting a boy to appear out of anywhere and kick him if he had been prepared Rin's power wouldn't have worked even with how strong he is Rin could tell that guy was strong, scary strong...

"DAD!" Rin shouted as he knelt down beside his father who looked almost dead. "Ri..." He was slowly closing his eyes. "DAD! DAD! NO, STAY AWAKE!!!! DAD PLEASE!!!" Rin screamed as tears rolled down his face and Satan's eyes closed. "AHHHHHH!!! HELP!!" Rin shouted hoping one of his brothers would hear him. "LUCIFER!!! AZAZEL!!! ANYONE!!!" He yelled, he screamed and not until several minutes later that Samuel and Lucifer came through and sprinted when they saw Rin and a possibly now-dead father. Neither had ever done anything in medical areas but Beelzebub had next come in and he was someone who was good a demon medicine. Lucifer held Rin as he cried and was not stopping he rocked them and Beelzebub picked up Satan with the help of Samuel and brought him to his bedroom and Beelzebub got his equipment ready.

"Is he going to be okay?" Samuel asked worriedly.


"It may be too late..."

So what do you guys think so far?

So what do you guys think so far?

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