(Book 2) Chapter 22

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(Third person view)

"Rin," Satan said his son's name as to try and wake him up but had to say his name several more times as to wake him up. Groans were heard from the blue-haired boy but soon realized he was still with his injured father and his defense immediately went up and asked if he was okay or if he was hurt... That's a stupid question, the guy almost died, of course, he's hurt. Satan gave a small laugh before reply with a weak smile, "I'm fine Rin, don't worry." Rin still looked at him with worry. "Rin, seriously I'm fine." Rin still wasn't convinced but nodded. "Rin, can you promise me something." It wasn't exactly a question but Rin nodded and edged his father to go on. "I want you to promise me you won't go after that demon and trying to get justice." "WHAT NO!-" Rin was about to do a full-blown rant about why he had to do it but his father stopped him. "He almost killed me, you wouldn't stand a chance." "But I have everyone's powers plus mine, I could take him easily!" Rin says enthusiastically. "I know you're strong but this guy is on a whole another level, he almost killed me so what chance would you stand. Just promise me you won't go after him." Satan pleaded in hope his son would promise and keep his promise. Rin breathed out sadly and looked back at his father. "Fine... I promise I won't go after the guy." Satan gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Rin." Rin nodded not really wanting to make the promise but he did it for his father. 

"I'm glad you're okay," Rin said and Satan looked at his son in worry as Rin knew this was hard after he killed Shiro he lost his father but he was almost killed causing Rin to lose another parent. "Me too," Satan said holding his son. For the next few hours, they talked about random things and had a lot of laughs until Rinwn as called to get dinner, and Rin happily left knowing his father would be alright. 

Somewhere in the darkest areas of Gehenna...

"Yes, run along little boy." A sharp grin was seen in the darkness. "Have your fun, be with your father..." The deep voice that was chilling. "Because soon enough I'll be your new father..." The grin stretched further almost inhuman and the sharp canines sharper than most in Gehenna.

"And the King."

I felt this chapter was not needed to belong because I felt that I could fit what was needed into smaller amounts, I know it's short and I'm a little sorry for that but I promise you'll thank me later that I kept everything hidden away till later chapters.

I felt this chapter was not needed to belong because I felt that I could fit what was needed into smaller amounts, I know it's short and I'm a little sorry for that but I promise you'll thank me later that I kept everything hidden away till later ...

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