Chapter 4

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(Lucifer pov)

"I know you're there, come out." Samuel said rather loudly but I guess that was only to ensure I'd hear him but then again I do have demonic hearing. While I was waiting it was oddly silent, guess he knew I was here from the start.

I walk out and stand in front of the desk where Samuel sits on the other side of. "Hello Samuel." I say professionally. "Why hello there big brother." He says slyly with a smirk. "What brings you here?" He asks slyly 'Like you don't already know.' I thought rolling my eyes. "You already know." I say with a straight voice and monotone voice with a small bit of annoyance. "Ah you know me so well big brother, Rin has gone to Gehenna but I still don't see why you need me." Samuel says and for once he is actually clueless. I take deep breath as on my way here I wanted to cry, I haven't seen Samuel in thousands of years and today we all get him back. "Please don't interrupt me when I'm saying this and this is all truth." I breath and Samuel nods and I speak again. "For thousands of years we've all wanted you back even father yes for about a year he was mad but after that he spent days crying in his room for you to come back, we all cried for years and we still haven't gotten over you being gone and now Rin is here we really want and need you back. It means our family will finally be complete." I say trying not cry but one year falls but when I look at Samuel he has his head in his hands. "I-I'm sorry..." He sniffs and lifts his head up. I quickly run over to him. "Hey, it's ok I'm here, we'll be here." I say putting my hand on his shoulder, Samuel was never one for comfort and didn't exactly like getting it, he has always been a very independent child and thinks he can do everything on his own. "Let us be with you again in Gehenna." I say kindly and softly. "O-Ok." He says as he wipes the few years he cried. "Sorry, I'm crying." He says as he composes himself again. "No it's ok, everyone cries at times." I reply with comforting words.

Time skip

In Gehenna

(Rin pov)

Bright. That's what it was. Bright, really bright. "Hey Kuro can you turn the lights off." I said as I thought I was in my dorm room, I clenched my eyes shut wanting to block out the light. There was no response and no dimmer light. "Kuro you there?" I ask and silence answered back. I slowly opened my eyes and got used to the light and looked around to see somewhere I didn't know I looked around saw blue, blue flames and my guard instantly went up. I saw him. The thing that ruined my life. "WHAT! W-What?..." I asked scared. I looked around and saw six other people who looked strong and I had an idea of who they where. 'The demon kings, but there only six of them...?' I thought questionable but I didn't let that distract me and pull my guard down my guard was on its highest level. "Rin calm down, we're not here to hurt you." Satan said calmly and soothingly. "Yeah go back on time and say that when you killed my dad. My real father, I'll never see you as family!" I fought back and was not backing down. "Son pl-" "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME YOUR SON!!"

(Satan pov)

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME YOUR SON!!" Rin yelled back at me, the words hurt as all I wanted was my son to love me like I love him.  He is precious to me and he is the youngest do the family. And the youngest is the one that needs to be protected a lot till they are old enough. Demons mature a lot more slowly than  humans and from what I've been told a lot of humans always told Rin he needs to grow up but tiny couldn't even if he stayed human and he turned a hundred be wouldn't be mature. Demons can take from a few hundred years to a thousand to fully mature even then sometimes they will stay only partially matured. So Rin is only sixteen but since he is half human he most likely won't take as long to mature so right now he's about the age of a five year old but a part of him can be more mature but that's part will only come out in a bad situation or a more mature situation but in general Rin is still young, very young. His body hasn't really matured either, yes he may look tall and that but his demon body hasn't matured. Rin continued bro state daggers at me and his brothers but the silence and raging was broken by Lucifer and Samuel entering. As soon as Rin saw Samuel his calmed a small bit. Lucifer stood beside Iblis and Samuel went to the opposite side of the bed I sat beside on.

(Third person pov)

"Can I sit down Rin?" Samuel asked calmly looking at Rin and patiently and calmly awaiting his answer. "Y-Yeah..." Rin slowly nodded his head and Samuel slid into the bed and sat on top of the covers beside Rin who now sat up in his bed. The silence had overtook everything but Rin was okay with that but he felt uncomfortable with everyone there but Samuel. He felt more comfortable with Samuel as he knew him longer. "Would you like us to leave?" Samuel broke the silence and looked down at his younger brother. Rin looked at Samuel but not at his face and he thought for a moment and then hummed with a nod and Samuel was about to leave when Rin spoke up. "B-But can you stay..." Rin said quietly wanting comfort. "Sure." Samuel said with a small comforting smile. "Th-Thanks..." Rin whispered and looked back down at his lap. Everyone got up and walked out the room leaving the two demons to sit in the room alone.

(Samuel pov)

I sat beside Rin in silence in his room that hasn't been designed much but if he hopefully stays we can redesign bit for him. I sat there longer wondering what to do as we were just sent trying in silence and then I realised something. 'I guess this would be normal to develop trust issues after all Rin has been through, and right now all Rin needs is to be with someone to get used to them and then he could go further. Right now all he wants is just one person, just one person he can trust and confide in.' And that's how it went for about two hours and I was okay with it, as long as Rin is okay. And then he finally spoke.

"Can we cuddle?"

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