Chapter 9

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In Assiah

(Third person view)

"Rin's been missing for days now! And you tell us not to worry!" Bon shouted at his teacher. "Yes, he will come back and you know he will he's weak and can't survive without us, and why do you care, you hate him anyways." Yukio explained in a all-knowing manner. "Gah... uh... I'M NOT WORRIED I JUST WANT TO GET HIM BACK SO HE DOESN'T GO ON A RAMPAGE LIKE LAST TIME BUT ACTUALLY KILL SOMEONE THIS TIME!" Bon yelled back the 'truth'. "That's actually a good point..."

(Bon pov)

'SHIT! What have a I done?!'  I thought as I realised I may have just ended Rin. When I say ended Rin, I don't mean him dead I mean that he'll be put on a lot of control, possibly quarantine so he can't be set free unless absolute must. he'd also get endless talks and bullied times from everyone especially Yukio, his own fucking brother. A twin to add to that fact. I'm no better I treated him like crap and bullied him and I don't know why, I don't why I would when I know I-

In Gehenna

(Satan pov)

I heard a knock on my office door and shouted: "Come in!" Who came in surprised me. "Rin?" I questioned knowing he's never really came to me for anything as, well because he hasn't exactly wanted to talk to me or even be near me. "H-Hi..." He said shakily. "Come take a seat>" I offered him on the couch. "Would you like me to come sit there with you?" I asked as Rin sat down on the couch. He thought before nodding his head and replying yes. We sat for a moment before I asked "So what do you need?" I asked looking at him. He looked down as if building up to say what he wants to say. he then proceeded to breath out. "I'm- I'm sorry for how I treated you, I was scared to trust and that you were just like everyone told me you were and plus YOU KILLED MY DAD AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER ASSIAH!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!!" His anger broke out at the last part of his exclamation. I sat shocked but I also wondered why I was shocked, I knew this is how he felt. I would feel the same if I was in his position. "I know..." I said looking straight and then back at Rin who looked up at me with a shocked and questioning face. "And you have nothing to apologise for, I would have done the same if I was in your position." I said looking at him. Suddenly tears rolled down his face and I instantly had my instinct kick in. "It's okay, I've got you." I said holding Rin in a hug, he cried into me and I let him cry out into me. That's what a father should be, someone you can always rely on but this year I took that away from him and now I wish to give it back but I know I will never be like Shiro but I do know that I can try to be a good father for Rin. The comfort. The love. The assistance. The care. The father he needs. "I'll always be here for you." I whispered to him. "Th-Thank you dad..." Rin sniffed. I was shocked at the name he had given me but I cuddled him tighter. "You're welcome son." 

We stayed like that for about half an hour just cuddling and me whispering sweet nothings to him to help calm him down. After he calmed down we split and sat up properly and Rin asked me: "Can I tell you something?" I looked at him and nodded with "Of course, you can tell me anything." I replied and Rin looked at me seriously but he also looked scared but I don't know what of. "So I had planned on telling everyone at the church before everything happened but things were busy and then everyone found out I was your son I knew I couldn't tell them but now I feel safe here so I think it's okay for me to tell." Rin explained and I told him to carry on and so he did. "I... When I was child Shiro would often find me looking around the girls section of clothing and I say I was lost but that wasn't true. Since I was young I found girls clothing adventurous and cool, and when I found out that cross dressing was a thing I knew that I wanted to cross dress, but I couldn't as no-one knew and if anyone saw it would be a lot harder to explain but keeping this all to myself has put a lot of weight on m shoulders and now they feel so light."

(Rin pov)

I let out a shaky breath scared of Sa- dads reaction. "Well then shall we go shopping?" I sat staring at the wall wide eyed after hearing his reaction. "Y-You don't think I'm weird or a disgrace?" I asked slightly looking at dad but not completely but then my face was pulled to look at him in the eye. "Why would I ever think that?" He asked looking down at me and then I straight up hugged him, my face in his chest and holding him tight not wanting to let go. "Aw haw aw aw." Father gave a laugh between a laugh and the 'aw' sound. He hugged back and for once I didn't have weights on my shoulders holding me down. "What about that shopping?" I asked looking up really happy. "Sure, c'mon." Father motioned for me to follow him, I got up and walked through the castle to a room with loads of design things and clothing. "There are demons that design clothing for us, just tell them what type of clothing you want and they'll do it for you and the clothes will be ready by tomorrow." Father explained and I nodded and I spoke to the demons and they got started on their job and we left to tell all my brothers and once again like father they were all very accepting. I now officially have a loving family like my old man said I would have one day. Be the cool kid and have a family, it may not be what he imagined but it's still a family and one that I will love till the end of time.

1093 words

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