chapter 8

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PLEASE READ! Sorry it's short but things are a little busy as my school may be shutting down and I have other things now going on so things are busy. Please understand.


(Egyn pov)

I was trying to sleep but couldn't so I was just laying on my bed looking up at the darkness of my room. It was night so all of us were asleep but possibly not father as he was most likely still doing paperwork. I was about to try sleeping again when I heard a knock. I got up and opened the door to see a tired, scared and sad Rin looking up at me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and Rin responded with "I f-felt lonley and wanted t-to cu-ddle but I don't knows who's room is who's, sorry if I'm bothering you." "No, no you're not bothering me at all. Come in we can cuddle on the bed." I replied quickly letting him in and holding his hand leading him to my bed. Since he is new to Gehenna his senses haven't completely manifested to Gehennas way so he can't see in the dark very well yet. I helped him upon the bed and got in and we cuddled.

(Rin pov)

'He's warm... I like it. Everyone here is so kind, I never expected them be kind and caring, I would say like human families but in the end you know that a lot of Assiah families break, you may not want to believe it but it's true.' I snuggled more into Egyn as I felt more sad that before. "It's ok I got you." I heard him whisper in my ear and it gave me shivers go down my spine. "Hm? You ok?" I quickly answered with a hum and a nod. "Hehe ok." Egyn gave a small chuckle before our cuddle session was interrupted. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CUDDLE RIN WITHOUT US!!!!" Samuel came in and shouted and I cuddled up to Egyn at the sudden increase of sound. "Shhh, your scaring Rin," Egyn demanded. "Rin can we all cuddle with you?" Samuel asked quieter than his shout. "Mhm." I hummed quietly and nodded my head. "We can go to my room I have the biggest bed." Everyone hummed and nodded in responce to Lucifer. Lucifer teleported is to his room with his light and we all got onto th bed with me in middle cuddling close to Lucifer, Samuel, and Azazel while everyone else cuddled on the outside. "You guys are warm and comfortable..." I said sleepily and comfortably. "Is that really right?" Samuel asked in the voice we all knew and totally loved. "What?" I asked curiously and now paying full attention. "Oh hell no I'm first!" Lucifer exclaimed beating Samuel to... it? "Mmphff" I muffed shocked as I had Lucifer's lips pressed against mine. We separated and stared shocked. "We hadn't actually told you this but demon families are very close and often teh children will date each other. We've been waiting for you as it wouldn't be complete without you buy now you're here." Lucifer explained, I listened and didnt take my eyes of him for one second. "So will you be our boyfriend?" He asked. I thought for a moment until smiling and nodding then hiding in his chest in embarrassment. The all gave a small chuckle and that embarrassed me more and I hummed in embarrassment. "Aww you're so cute." Egyn said looking over Lucifer's shoulder. "Yeah you are." Lucifer said agreeing as he cuddled Rin to him and the others joined falling asleep happilly.

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