(Book 2) Chapter 24

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 Somewhere in the darkest areas of Gehenna

(Unknown pov)

"Get going I want war!" I shouted as I made my way out at the head of my army and started to lead them to the castle or as it should be named. My castle, plus once it was mine. It'll take us a few hours to get there but that won't matter once I take my place as king once again. 

At the castle

(Third person view)

"Yay!" Rin cheers as the desert came out, the other demon kings smile but were all very nervous. For the past days, they had been so careful because they knew that he would be coming but they had no idea when so had to be on their toes, he could come at any moment. All the kings, except Rin, knew of the man that was coming to their castle, they'd never seen him only their father had as Satan thought he had killed the God. Yes, this man was a god. He used to be the king of Gehenna or he called it Hell but Satan disliked the name so he changed it in hopes people would see Gehenna wasn't a place of terror but that plan backfired when some demons that despised Satan went out and caused mischief in Assiah and some demons saw this as fun and did it as well not realizing they were going against their king. This caused the humans to believe they really were just as bad as they had once believed. Satan had already created two of his sons by now and was about to create a third he told his sons when he finished creating what was needed he would send his children to the overworld to do his bidding and tell them how to exorcise demons. The exorcists did so and this angered the demons that didn't worship Satan and so they went and kept causing mischief and this gave the exorcists the picture that all demons were evil and only here to cause mischief. And so the point of this story was that Satan's plan to show that demons were good backfired all because the old king taught the demons that they must be evil. After all, he was the one that created hell so of course, all demons would be to his liking. But Satan created new demons that were for his sons, their kin and they were good and had families. And not only did Satan lose a fight to show demons were good he also lost a son a couple of thousand years after. Samuel left and joined the exorcists. Lucifer decided to leave to try to find a body for Satan, himself, and help Satan's dream come true. And then once upon a time, Satan met a woman with the same dream so they created their sons hoping they would be living proof of peace between humans and demons but that backfired too. 

"What's that?" Rin asked looking around trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. All the demon kings stopped what they were doing and listened and quickly realized what was happening. The stood up and rushed off to the entrance. Rin quickly followed a little worried about what was happening after all he knew nothing about what was happening. When Rin got to the entrance he saw it. "YOU!" Rin shouted with anger and the demon kings looked at Rin in shock. "Rin, you know him?!" Samuel asked shocked. "No, I just kicked him away before he could kill father." Rin told them and that was a mistake. "HE'S ALIVE?!!" The man shouted angrily. 

Beelzebub quickly turned around and grabbed Rin and took him away knowing it was best to get him away from the action. "Bubby what are you doing?!" Rin shouted. "I need to get you away from here, father didn't want you involved," Beelzebub told him and continued to take him to his room and lock him in there. "WHO IS HE BUBBY?!!" Rin shouted as he tried to get out of Beelzebub's grasp. Beelzebub threw him in his room. "GOD DAMNIT BEELZEBUB OPEN THIS DOOR!!!! WHO IS HE?!!" Rin screamed banging on the door. 

Silence was all that was left one Beelzebub went back to the entrance. Rin stood angered at the door. "This is just like four years ago..."

Back at the entrance

"So you're back but how?" Lucifer asked with a light shield up. "I just slowly recovered over thousands of years after your father almost killed me." The man said the word 'father' with disgust. "What do you want?" Lucifer asked already knowing the answer. "I want MY throne." The bearded man responded get furious. "You're not getting SATAN's throne Hades."

Was this a good idea to add hades? Tell me your opinions I'm still not sure.

Was this a good idea to add hades? Tell me your opinions I'm still not sure

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