Chapter 15

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In Assiah

(Yukio pov)

Today is the day we go to  Gehenna the man-made Gehenna gate has been made and is ready to go. "Alright everyone listen up!" I shouted as I stand on a table so I can see everybody and everyone can see me. "We are about to enter the world of our worst enemy so be on guard!" I shout out to the room so everyone can hear, there are a couple hundred of us and I can hear a few whispers now and then but other than that it's pretty calm. "We are just to get Rin and that is it! Kill as many demons as you can but don't do anything that will get you killed or captured!" I tell them sternly. "You will all have a dark orb, throw that on the ground and you will be opened to the Gehenna gate and you may leave. We are not sure if communications will work in Gehenna so stay in your group!" I shout the last orders. "That is all we leave in five!" I step off the table and go over to my group which is just some high-class exorcists. the exwires are not allowed to come as this is a high-class mission and we don't want to lose our next generation of exorcists. I make sure I have everything ready for the massive mission. This mission must go correctly or Rin may be dead by the next time we get a chance to do this. He's probably being tortured right now as we speak, scared, alone, cold, hungry and whatever horrible things they've made him feel. "I will save you Rin," I say under my breath and there this is the call to enter the gate.

In Gehenna

(Satan pov)

We are on the last day of mating season and it's just been the normal, sleep, binge watch stuff, eat, drink, read and other stuff like that. Things have gone well once again. But lately, I've had a feeling my stomach that something is going to happen. Nothing has happened so I think it's just me fawning over Rin that something might go wrong with him but nothing has happened so all good. 

Or that was until now. I felt a Gehenna gate open and I know no-one could do that and it didn't feel like a normal gateway it was different. I close my eyes and channel my energy to find the source of the gate and what I see instantly puts me into defensive mode. I see exorcists pilling in from a man-made gate. I instantly unlock my door and send I minded message to all my son, including Rin saying: 'Exorcists are in Gehenna and are still piling in! Get ready for a battle and keep Rin safe at all costs!' I felt all my son's aura come out and become very dangerous and I knew this would be one Gehenna of a fight. (I'm sorry I had to put that in xD) I went to my office and took a wall of my desk and took out my old sword, I knew this would be bloody but there isn't a choice whether this is bloody or not. I walked out and saw all eight of my sons ready and we left the castle and headed to the gate which was only a few minutes away from the castle. I had Lucifer and Azazel stay with Rin since they had been in Martin season for the last three weeks together and they're also very strong so they would be able to stand a fight against a lot of exorcists at a time and they can protect Rin but I don't think any exorcists will get through, I and my sons will stop them from getting any further than they already are. 

Once we get outside I see the exorcists stop in their tracks but soon they get into a fighting stance and we do too. We all stare at each other for what felt like a good few minutes but in reality, it was only a few minutes. We charge and begin to fight.

The blood bath begins.

(Rin pov)

I'm confused about why I can't go out and fight too, my brothers won't answer and they won't let me leave it's agitating. "Why can't I go out and fight, I'm experienced enough." I moan at them. "Because you fought demons not exorcists they're entirely two different species," Azazel replies in a cold voice that I don't like and only agitates me more. "Because you fought demon not exorcist they're entirely two different species." I mimic them with attitude. "Wow!" Lucifer sounded scoring in his voice. I looked up at him that he would respond that way. "Don't start with attitude Rin, especially not now, we're in the middle of a battle." Lucifer scolded me looking back at me as he and Azazel guarded the door. "No we're not, dad and our brothers are but not us," I say back at him with my facts. "Rin," Lucifer says seriously and looks serious. "What? I'm just saying." I tell him with attitude. "Rin, I know you're a teenage demon but don't start with your attitude now, this is serious." He tells me and I look at with a scrunched up face moaning at his words. "Rin this, Rin that, just shut up," I grumble with gritted teeth. "Rin!" Azazel scolds me with my name. "What?" I ask my voice coated with attitude. "Say sorry to your brother!" Azazel tells me. "No!" I shout back. "Rin, I'm not fighting with you." He says shaking his head. Lucifer comes over to me and bends down little so he's eye level with me which makes me feel weak and I don't like it. "Rin, understand, this is serious and we have to protect you." He goes to put his hand on my hand but I slap it away. "I DON'T NEED PROTECTING! I AM NOT A CHILD SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE! THAT'S ALL YOU'VE DONE SINCE I'VE BEEN HERE!! AT THIS RATE IBLIS IS BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!! HE DOESN'T TREAT ME LIKE A CHILD!!" I shout at them before running out. "RIN!" I heard Lucifer and Azazel call out but I ignore them, they try to catch me but I use my flames to make me go faster. 'They always treat me like children! I'm not a child! I'm fifteen almost sixteen! I can take care of myself! Iblis doesn't treat me like a child, he's asked several times if I want to train or fight but my dad and brothers always answer for me saying no. They control my life, do everything for me, restrict me from things. I'm old enough to do things myself. Sometimes I think I was better off in Assiah, yes, everyone hated me but I could do everything myself and I had hardly any restrictions other than the chance of being shot if I do things wrong.' I get lost in my thoughts as I run and I don't realize where I ran off to before it's too late... And what I see is something you can never unsee.

 And what I see is something you can never unsee

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