Chapter 5

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(Samuel pov)

"Can we cuddle?" Rin said and I hardly heard it. "Of course." I said with a smile and he leaned towards me and picked up up to lie on me as I lay down but I still sat up a bit. He lay his head on my chest and I held him close to me. We just lay there comfortably and eventually fall asleep together.

(Lucifer pov)

Father told me to go check on Rin as he has a meeting even though he really wanted to stay and be with Rin but he has to keep the kingdom running. I walk down the halls and get to Rin's room which is at the start of the start of the rooms. I knock and no responce. I knock again and no responce again and I start to get worried so I walk in uninvited. I stop a little shocked but I smile and give a chuckle at the cute sight in front of me and shake my head a little. I quickly memorize the moment in my mind and then send it to a group chat. In Gehenna you can have talks in your mind. They're often used in families but sometimes friends too. I sent the picture in my mind to the family talk it'll alarm them that they have message.

"OMG! that's so cuuuuuttteeee!!!!" I hear Iblis fanboy over the picture sent. "I agree." Azazel said. Azazel has always been a calm and collected person but he still fanboys over stuff but in a different way. A calmer way. "HOW DID YOU GET TO SEE THIS FIRST AND NOT ME!!!" Astaroth shouted in our mind chat. "Because father asked me to come check on them." I said in a monotone voice but my voice also sounded like I was full of myself like I got everything. It meant that I was above Astaroth at that moment in time. I am often above him anyways so it's not much of a difference. Astaroth growls "HOW DID FATHER PICK AN IDIOT LIKE YOU!!! I'M COMING OVER THERE NOW!!!!" Astaroth mentally complained. "No! Don't! I don't want to wake Rin and play this is Samuel and Rin's time we want Rin to trust us and be with us right?" I question and Astaroth takes a breath. "He's right we should stay away and let Samuel and Rin be together Rin will come to us let's not make him." Egyn explained. "Yes, as Egyn said right now let's let Samuel and Rin trust each other and let Rin come to us. If we rush this he may never trust us." "I've missed Samuel." Beelzebub mourned. "We all have and so now we have got two birds with one stone." I said.

Back to reality, I left the room and made sure I was quiet.

(Rin pov)

Whoever was there finally left, as soon as they came in I instantly woke up. Yes I may be heavy sleeper but at times like this I can hardly sleep and will be on high alert to any sound or movement. "Rin, you ok?" I hear Mephisto ask. "I'm fine Mephisto." I say plainly still eyeing the door. "Samuel," "huh?" I look at Mephisto who is very close to me and it freaks me out a little and I begin to shift in his grasp and he lets me go. "My real name is Samuel," Meph- Samuel tells me as I sit up and look at the older full blood demon who is still lying down. "Oh..." I say looking around the room and now that I feel more at ease I realize it's really plain and not my style but I won't say anything. "Father wasn't sure what you'd want so they said you could redesign it when you were here." Samuel says and I jump a little at the voice interrupting the silence I had gotten use to. I look at him and nod.

I stay silent for a little while and ponder on a question in my mind until I finally gather courage to ask said question. "Why am I here?" I ask looking at Samuel seriously in a serious voice for once. I'm usually jolly free go perosn but in the end it's just a coping mechanism. Smiling and laughing and making jokes are my coping mechanism. I'm also sad so I'm always 'happy'. For once I'd like to know what real happinesses is. "Because you came here when you went on a Rampage." Samuel explained. But that wasn't the answer I wanted. "No, why do they keep me here? Why don't they just put me back into Assiah?" I ask to make the answer I want more clear. Or so I thought it would be clear. "Why would they do that?" He ask confuses but in the end I had a feeling he already knew the answer I was really asking for. "You know what I'm asking now please answer my question." I said sternly, I would not give one ounce of trust unless I got the answer I dearly wished for.

(Samuel pov)

I know I should answer and I know I have to or he will never trust me or anyone else. He already knows almost the whole world is against him other than Izumo and Shura. Two people out of seven billion people is nothing. But who needs people? But then again he won't even trust demons and that's what he needs right now, trust. A demon, a person he can trust. "Because they love you, you wouldn't be here, they wouldn't be so nice if they didn't love you. You are our family. Our love. Our last part of our heart. We have separate hearts but we also have one big heart that if we wished we could all join and be the most powerful thing either world has ever seen but we haven't done it ever and we can't do it unless you join your soul to the main heart. The one that makes us family. Each family has one big heart that they all conjoin with and it tells them fate as in how many people their family hold and how powerful they are, the bigger the piece of their heart the more powerful they are. But our royale family are the only family that can join up and make a new being all together." I explain and take a breath after my big speach. "Oh... Ok." 'That's all he has to say? Really? Alright then.' I think to myself at his responce. "We have families like humans do, we care for each other and love one and oth-" Rin's gives a humming no and shakes his head as a no. "No, human families are not loving, not caring. At one point humanity they became corrupt and caved into hatred and now we pretend just to get around and do what we want and then there are the dare devils which show humanity what they all are like. Then demons hate them for doing so and prey upon them and say look we love each other so we'll just attack you to take our anger out and not use it on our families and friend's. So in the end they are as bad as each other. And finally the Half's. The ones who see all of this and they sink and sink untill they have nothing to do but choose a side but they are the same so their is no choosing sides it just choosing a species that's all it is." I stare wide eyed shocked at his words that they are so... Deep. Very deep. That's not how it works but in a way he is right and I don't like it that he is right. He's only a child and he understand this. He understand all monsters are human. Or that's what they say in Assiah. No child at his age should understand any of what he just said. But yet he does. And that's what worries me. The fact that he has sunken and now he is choosing one of two that are the same.

He's sunken too far...

1381 words

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