Chapter 12

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(Third person pov)

"Wha... What happened?" Rin asked looking at Astaroth terrified and wonderingly. "R-Rin..." He looked at the smaller demon who seemed to have gotten a bit taller or that may just be to his new... adjustments... "We should get you to father as he and all our brothers have been waiting for you!" Astaroth told him relieved and a little excitedly, you can't blame him. He just saw his little brother for the first time in a week and that brother was in a lot of pain. Rin nodded ad started to walk but found it hard and ended up leaning on Astaroth to help him while he walked.

(Rin pov)

'I don't know what to do, to say... Everything's changed so fast, too fast and I don't like it!' I panicked in my head as a million questions and words ran through my head at the speed of light. We continued to walk to fathers office and I could smell my brothers cents and that gave me comfort but not enough to stop my panic, worry, and fear. "You'll be okay, I promise. This has happened to all of us." Astaroth told me and in effort to comfort me. I hummed but not really feeling any better.

Astaroth knocked of the door with his free hand, his other holding me up as I was still adapting to my new body. (Anyone got your ideas for what his "new body" is?) "Come in!" There was a loud voice that came from behind the doors and went I got my fathers cent I was put at ease a little bit. The door opened and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. "RIN!" They all yelled and I got a fright and covered my now furred ears with my hands. Everyone stopped and saw me crouched down on the floor with clenched eyes. "Rin?" They asked confused or I think so as I couldn't hear as well as I would be able to due to me covering my ears.

(Satan pov)

"Everyone please leave the room." They looked at me and hesitantly left the room with a pout. I never had to do this with any of them as they knew what was going on but Rin was raised in Gehenna, he doesn't know what's happening or happened to him. "Rin." I said softly and quietly and put a hand on his shoulder. He slowly took his hands from his ears an looked around then at me with fear in his eyes. I brought into a hug. "It's okay Rin, I'm here." I told him and he relaxed from his tensed state which didn't help with him adapting to his body. "What's happened to me?..." He asked scared and curious. "You went into a demon enhancement and from what I can tell you have all your power." He slowly nodded and fidgeted around in my arms and started to scratch at his clothes. "Uncomofrtable? Want to get out of your clothes?" I asked as I looked down at him in my arms. He hummed and nodded in response. I stood up and he followed I helped him walk over to the couch and sit down so he could undress. "Help?" He asked, I nodded and helped him undress completely but I wouldn't exactly call him naked. Once he was undressed I could see his whole body and how his enhancment had an effect on his body and I was shocked to say the least. He looks nothing like his brothers enhanced demon forms or mine and we're blood related. "Does is look bad?" He asked sadly and cautiously. "No you look amazing as I tickled behind his ear and he laughed. I stepped back to get a full view as he stood up.

"Has this happened to all my brothers?" He asked, "yes it has but they were raised here and knew what was happening to them whereas you have no idea and we'll help you whenever." I told him and he needed. "Th-Thank you..." He croaked out and his eyes filled up with tears and soon overflowed causing them to run down his cheeks. "Hey..." I brought him into my arms and asked what was wrong and he told me this: "I just didn't knwo what to do and I didn't think I would get any help because I would never get any help from my friends or brother at school, they would probably laugh and bully me..." he croaked and sniffed and I just rubbed his back. "Well we'll be here every step of the way and we'll all be here fo you whenever, wherever." I told him and he nodded.

I sat down on the couch and sat him on my lap with his back against my arm and his legs lying on the sofa. he eventually calmed down, a little tired. "You tired?" "Yeah, a little..." He said slowly drifting off to sleep but I nudged him as I had to tell him something. "Tomorrow is the start of mating season..." I told him and his attention was on me in a matter of milliseconds. "Now you must listen as this is important." I told Rin and his eyes didn't leave me for a second. "Today you'll need to decide two things. Number one is wheather you want to spend mating season in your more human for or your demon form and if you wish to go in human form I'll have to teach you how to transform. The second choice is weather you wish to mate with one of your brothers or not mate at all and stay locked up in the bedroom with me and just binge watch something." I explained, he looked away from me in a thoughtful expression. "Human form, but before I make my mating choice can you tell me about it?" He asked me and I looked up trying to think of a best way to explain it without ruining the whole thing. "Well mating season comes down to two three different things. Th first one is sex, some demons will spend the majority of the season just having sex but only curtain demons can do that as some do not have the organs to have children or have sex that way." I continued, "the second is just cuddling, binge watching stuff, sleeping and eating. Essentially what we would do, you do it with another demon when you don't have a mate. The third and final is the way a lot of demons do it. You relax and cuddle but also you let your demon heart appear and you let both, or all three if you have two mates, and you choose if you wish to have a child and who will carry the child." I finished my explanation.

(Rin pov)

I thought on what I was told before I made my decision, "can I go with Lucifer and Azazel?"

In Assiah

(Yukio pov)

"Okay so, if we can get the rest of the Vatican on our side and try create and Gehenna gate that is human made we can go in and get Rin!" I told my class and some other exorcists that were in the room. There were hums, nods and whispers going around the room. "Mr. Okumura what if we can't get the Vatican on our side?" An exorcist asked and I looked at him dumbly. "The Vatican, who wants to keep the son of Satan under control and under surveillance twenty-four-seven. OF COURSE THEY'LL BE ON OUR SIDE IN THIS!" I shouted at him in the end in an obvious voice,

"O-Okay..." He said more toned down. 'I'm coming for you Rin and you'll be back to us in no time, only Satan knows what horrible things they've done to you.' I thought as we all discussed the plan further.

' I thought as we all discussed the plan further

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