Chapter 10

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(Rin pov)

I woke up and put my light on to see my blank room, 'I'll talk to father about my room later today.' I thought as I got up and saw a three boxes, two said clothes and another said nothing but there was a note on top so I groggily stood up and walked over there swaying to the side sometimes trying to catch my balance as I just woke up. I picked up the note and read it.

Dear Rin

Me and Lucifer went to pick up your stuff from your dorm, Kuro is with us as we didn't want him waking you. You look cute asleep by the way hehe. We have everything we thought you needed in this box, you can through out anything you don't want.

Love Mephisto

I smiled at the letter and decided to go through the box so I didn't have to do it later. Yes, I think everyone but my demon side of the family know I'm lazy. I opened the box and the first thing I saw was just some old clothes and I didn't keep most of them just some of it. My uniform wasn't there 'Definitely not going back there!' I thought but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw a few photos. One was with me and my friends. 'I'll keep it but I don't want to see it..' Another was with me, Yukio and dad. 'I'll keep this one too but I don't think I'll showcase it.' The last photo was just me and dad. 'I remember the day I begged him to take a photo of just me and him and he eventually obliged.' I smiled at the memory. There was one more thing and it was my sketch books. 'I'm glad they brought them and my pencils so I can still draw and they brought my canvas's so I can still paint too. I burnt the stuff I didn't want but it took a while as now I had all my flames and couldn't control them very well. 

I walked over to the other two boxes and instantly loved all the clothes I saw. I fangirled like a girl over Yukio but way more. I grabbed a jumper that was white with the word QUEEN written on it in fluffy letters in pink and purple and a bit of blue too.  The left arm had a fluffy part near the bottom of the sleeve it was fluffy and was multi coloured and the right was the same but had more yellow, orange and pink on it rather than the full rainbow. I put on  galaxy leggings and some light blue flats. I also grabbed and light blue bow clip for my hair. I got a shower and put my clothes on. I clipped part of my left fringe up so part of my forehead was showing. I looked up at the clock and saw it was almost ten am and realised I had to get going as breakfast was at ten am cause if you weren't out by ten am my brothers and me get to come in raid the others bedroom and keep whatever we take a for a whole week.

I walked into the dining room and everyone stared for a second before a "RIIIIIINNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Broke the silence. Kuro came running at me full force before transforming and hammering me into the ground. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH RIN!!!" He yelled as I smiled and laughed at his words. "Haha, I missed you too I said bringing my hands around Kuro as he transformed back into his smaller version. "I missed you a lot Kuro..." I told him as I hugged him tight. I hugged him for a few minutes before letting go and looking around and getting up. "Uhhh... hey?" I said giving a short wave as I held Kuro in my other hand. "Rin come sit down." I accepted fathers invitation. "I like the new outfit style." Samuel commented and I thanked him. "Hey dad?" Everyone went quite and I got confused, I looked at everyone who had shocked or straight faces and some angry. "What?" I asked confused. "You get to call him dad?!" They all exclaimed at the same time. "Yeah?" I was still confused and then they looked at dad. "Why can't we call you that?!" They shouted. "Because Rin's cute and my favourite." Dad confessed and I saw everyone's faces of shock and anger. "That's not fair I should be the favourite!" They fought with each other including each other and I began to cover my ears and I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Lucifer and he held a hand out for me to take and I did so walking out the loud room. "You want to go to my room?" He asked I nodded slightly as I still felt overwhelmed with everything that just happened. 

Lucifer picked me up bridle style and it made me blush but I settled into his arms nicely. He smiled down at me and I just a smile back and he started walking down to his room. Once we got to his room Lucifer laid down but part of his back against the pillows. I laid down beside him with my head on his chest near his stomach and I put my hand on his chest to with the other holding his hand and his other hand round me. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah..." I replied quietly glad of the silence. We sat and talked for a bit before I got an idea. "Can we go decorate my room?" I asked. "Sure!" He said and we got up still holding hands. We grabbed decorating stuff and that's what we did for several hours until dinner as we missed lunch and Lucifer put a block on my room so even father couldn't get in without possibly hurting someone from using his flames. Father never uses his flames as he doesn't like to use them. But he also wouldn't come in the room as Lucifer doesn't block anything unless he has a reason so everyone knew not to come in. 

Time skip

(Rin pov)

"So Rin, I have a surprise for you while you were distracted decorating." Lucifer said as he walked me into a room. "Now open your eyes." I opened them and was confused, very confused. "This room will create another room each time you fill the walls with paint." I understood and was shocked he'd do such a thing for me. "This was planned since yesterday from all your brothers and father." Lucifer explained and tears of happiness rolled down my face. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I thanked him over and over again as he hugged me and I cried. He lifted up my chin about to wipe my tears but surprised him and kissed him. He soon settled into the kiss and licked my lip asking for entrance. I let him in wanting more of him. 'He tastes... happy? Is that a way to describe it?' I thought as we soon parted for air and I looked at him with lust in my eyes but my eyes widened when pain shot from my stomach. "Gch!" I clutched my stomach wanting the pain to stop and black soon covered my sight and a loud thump was heard along with, "RIN!" 

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