Sup Doc?

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As Chase barreled down the road at top speed, he found himself looking out the window here and there. Out beyond the city was a dense-looking forest that went on for miles. Anyone who didn't know how to navigate the area would get lost in a heartbeat.

Chase, however, knew his way around pretty well. He used to hike up and down the trails and even take his kids with him. They'd have adventures finding new things, fishing in the river and pretending to be various monsters from medieval times. Chase had even brought out a tire swing one day with them and pushed his kids on it. He remembered those days fondly.

Until Stacey filed for divorce. He knew it was partly because of the job he wanted to pursue but was that really all? What was wrong with going after your dreams?

He found himself pulling up to a McDonald's drive-thru and absentmindedly he ordered his food. He should go to the store but what was the point when he wouldn't have the money to do so anyways? Chase knew it was contradictory to eat the fast-food instead though being as it was more expensive in the long-run but honestly he couldn't care less.

As he took off again on the road, he dug into his burger and fries, trying to forget how the day started.

'I probably shouldn't go to Hen's right away. He'll suspect something and I'm not in the mood for his yelling today. Maybe I should try and find a new job again'

As he drove, he found himself at the local park and chose to drive up into a space, finishing his . . .  brunch.

The park was pretty much empty on the morning workday but there were a few stay-at-home mothers and fathers out with their toddlers. He knew it was a little creepy to just be watching them all from his car with no kids of his own with him but he was past giving a shit. He missed his own kids, being reminded of them. God, he was jealous, watching a father play with his kid pushing them on the swing set.

With a struggling sigh, he reached into his glovebox and took out his flask, drinking from it. He was sure he may have gotten a few creeped-out looks. Someone might call the cops on him.

He didn't care.

He was about to take a swig from his flask again when the radio turned on again like this morning.

His keys were in the ignition this time but it was turned off.

Out of anger, Chase hit the radio, practically punching it to make it stop working, "Fooking thing! Shut up!"

Now people were REALLY staring.

But the radio still buzzed. Before he could hit it again, though, a voice spoke. Clear as day. Just as garbled and strange.

'Still watching. Still here.'

Chase froze his movement and swallowed, biting the inside of his cheek. 

"Can. . .can you hear me?" he knew it was bat-shit crazy yo be talking to your radio like that but he already looked like a psychopath.

There was silence and more white noise for a few moments before it spoke again.

'You should leave the park, Brody'

His heart was fucking racing! What in the hell was going on? Was he imagining this? Hallucinating? What was in Henrik's meds he gave him!?

But he took the voice's advice and high-tailed it out of there, driving home. All the time he sped home, the voice didn't speak again but he was fine with that. He didn't need a heart attack while driving. As soon as he screeched into his drive-way, he bolted out of the vehicle and into his house.

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