Fight Until You Can't. . And Then Fight Some More

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Sean paced around his house up stairs, down halls and in and out of rooms. He was thinking of what he should do but was having a lot of trouble with it. Gab was watching him wander around aimlessly with BB in her arms. He had been liked this since his conversation with JJ and Anti. Sean briefly told her about it and as stunned as she was that Anti didn't try to kill him, she had to agree with him.

"You need to do something, babe" she spoke out once he came back into the living room, "You're wasting time and you know it"

Sean swallowed and ran a hand through his hair, "But that's just the thing, Evelien . . .. I don't know what to do! I can't fight Dark and Mark can't . . . . I can't help"

"No, you're just giving up too soon. Think. There has to be something you can do. You feel them, right? Isn't that what you've said before?"

Sean came in to sit beside her, petting BB to calm his nerves, "I do. . . . Anti's gone unhinged. Chase's heart is pounding. The others are worried but not as stressed. I think Chase and Anti are with Dark if I had to guess. It's probably already too late for me to do anything"

"Sean." Gab raised her brow at him, "There's always a way. You're just too afraid to face it. . . aren't you?"

Sean closed his eyes and sighed, "You know me too well . . . . yeah. I know. But I'm scared, Gab"

"It'll be okay. You just got to give it a shot. What's the harm in trying? It's better than sitting around doing nothing and worrying, right? Trying something is better than nothing"

"You're right" he smiled softly, nodding, "You're right . . . . Marvin gave me something a long time ago. He said to use it only in case of emergencies. Guess now's better than never right?"

"Duh!" Evelien shoved him, "Now go! Hurry up before Dark does something stupid!"

Sean steadied himself but grinned at her, "I'll be back. Don't wait up! Bye BB!" He ran to his room.

He had thought of doing it before. But he wanted to be sure. What he was about to do could hurt them if he wasn't careful. But this was an emergency. He dived under his bed and reached his hand around.

Once he grabbed what he was looking for, he was gone.

Marvin's eye twitched suddenly and he cringed as a weird feeling came over him.

"You alright Marvin?" Henrik asked him and the others stared at the magician.

"Yeah, we don't need you in danger, either right now, Marv" Jackie tried to make a joke.

Marvin shivered, "You said earlier you spoke to Sean, Jameson?"

JJ looked worried but nodded sheepishly.

"What's wrong, Marv?" Jackie asked again, a bit more assertive.

Marvin didn't get the chance to say anything though when Sean suddenly appeared in the room, a small object in his hand.

They stared at each other equally as surprised.

"Guys. . . . " Sean licked his lips apprehensively, "I got an idea. . . . if you're willing to listen, that is"

Anti stood in front of Chase before Dark, growling softly like a defensive beast, eyes black and power snapping around him in his fury.

"Look at you. Your 'brother' here was just singing your praises about how much you've changed. And yet you snarl at me like an animal." Dark smirked, "Delusional"

"The fuck you want me to do, Dark!?" Anti shouted at him suddenly, his voice cracking, "I fucked up your house, your office, your closet . . . not to mention I just tore Google a new ass again! I could do anything you wanted right now, Dark, but it STILL wouldn't be enough for you!"

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