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Chase sat up quickly, moving away from Anti on the bed.

'Fuck. This is it! He's corporeal now and he's going to kill me!'

But Anti just stared up at him sort of terrified and confused as if HE were the one about to be killed.

'But how did he suddenly turn corporeal? Does he even know? Is that why. . . is that why he's not attacking me right now?'

"A-anti?" he tried again.

The glitch snapped out of his daze and was suddenly on his feet at the side of the bed. He looked around with narrowed eyes, hyperventilating in a panic.

Chase, however, averted his eyes, "Oh. Uh . .. hold on. I'll get you some clothes before you kill me, yeah?"

Anti didn't say anything, still stuck in his own thoughts barely watching Chase as he went to his closet to pull out some pants and a shirt. Anti's new senses were overwhelming him for a moment, throwing him off.

Then he was reaching for something else and Anti bolted to Chase's drawer and pulled out the knife Chase had put in there, pointing it at him, "Don't even think about it"

His new voice was hoarse but it got Chase's attention. The father turned with the gun in his hand, "Anti. . . I'm not going to let you kill me or my kids. Or my brothers for that matter."

Anti snarled at him, "So you'll kill me first? How fucked up of you, Brody. Thought you and the other Septic egos were supposed to be the good guys? Did the last week mean nothing to you?" He teased.

Chase threw the clothes at him, "I'll save you some dignity and let you put some clothes on. How's that for being the 'good guy'?"

Anti huffed but glitched and suddenly the clothes were on him. Chase flinched at it but kept his gun pointed at him. Anti didn't seem too effected, though. He wasn't afraid of a gun. If he could still glitch around and use his powers then a measly gun was nothing to him.

And unfortunately, Chase knew that.

Chase stared at him, taking in how he looked. He seemed to have longer hair like Sean had for a while and a fuller beard than his. He had the same tattoos as all of them and Sean. His eyes pierced a neon green and he sported a pink scar across his throat.

Anti ran his finger down the knife he held, looking around the room with his own eyes in a different perspective, using his own senses, "Interesting." he sighed, "I have a lot to explore before I do anything to you bastards, anyways, Brody. Congratulations, you get to live another day. Catch you later"

Before Chase could do or say anything to stop him, he just straight up vanished.

He was just GONE.

He should have felt relieved Anti was no longer in his head or trapped in any of his electronic devices. But now all he felt was dread.

What the fuck would he do now out in the corporeal realm with his own body?


"This is so cool!" Sammy shouted from in the back seat.

"Yeah!" Kallie bounced up and down in her seat, "We've never been to Uncle Marvin's shop before!"

"Dad, can we get something from there?"

"You think Uncle Marvin will show us a magic trick!?"

Chase was desperately trying his best to keep a straight face. He didn't know what else to do. Who the hell else would he go to? He could go to Sean but he was still angry with him. He just couldn't, no matter if he remembered why or not.

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