Any Last Words, Hero?

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"How do you know I won't try to kill him?" Anti asked Jameson.

The mute only gave a silent chuckle and signed, 'If you truly meant harm to anyone, you would have killed Jackie by now with how much he's screamed at you. I trust you to behave yourself.'

Anti was silent for a while as Jameson finished the giant Ouija board, "How's this gonna contact him? Sean's not dead and neither are we"

"It will help create a mind link and in turn with our ego properties, summon a ghost version of himself here"

"How do you . . . . you know what? Nevermind. Fine. Summon the asshole, already. I'm ready to die"

Jameson rolled his eyes at how dramatic Anti was and placed his hand on a circle in front of him. He then sat down cross-legged and seemed to meditate for a bit.

Anti watched, his head cocked to the side in curiosity like Basil's.

A few moments passed and Anti was starting to think Jameson was just a little crazy until a voice echoed in the room, "JJ? That you?"

Anti flinched at the sound and looked over to see a ghost of Sean standing in front of Jameson who still looked to be meditating. Apparently, Sean could hear him, though and spoke again.

"JJ. . . . What are you doing? I told you not to do this again. And you know what Marvin will say!"

Jameson's eyes opened and he scrunched his face, glaring at him.

"Of course I know what's happening, Jameson. At least somewhat. And I'm sorry but-"

That pissed Anti off, "You're SORRY!?" He came into view behind Jameson, snarling at him.

Sean seemed surprised at his presence but not as much as he thought he'd be.

"Anti. . . . I was wondering when I'd see you again. So you got yourself a body again, huh?"

"How. . . how can you act so casual about this?"

Sean looked away with a shake of his head, "What's it matter? I can't do anything about the situation anyways. You'll do what you want. And it seems as though I don't need to worry. Everyone's still alive"

"For now!" Anti glitched, making the power falter and turn off. It seemed Anti's power-up had lost it's juice.

Sean swallowed and sighed, changing the subject slightly, "Why did you do it, Anti?"

The nightmares returned to Anti's mind and he just stared at his creator with loathing, "Really? That's the question you ask right now?"

"YES, Anti! YES. I at least deserve to know that!"

"I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?! I DON'T FOOKING KNOW! It doesn't matter anyway right now! We're dealing with a bigger problem than ME at the moment, you son of a bitch!"

Sean glared but it softened soon after. Jameson must have said something to him.

"What's happening, then, Anti?"

"I fooked up, alright? I. . . . .again. I pissed off Dark and now he's after me but for SOME fooking reason the others are willing to hide me from him. Don't ask why. Maybe it's because he threatened their lives, too, and it's just for their sake now. I don't know"

"You want to know if there's anything I can do to stop Dark"

Anti nodded.

"I can't." Sean gave the simplest answer but it wasn't what they wanted.

"Why the fook not?"

"Dark is Mark's ego. Even if I asked Mark to reel him in, he couldn't. What did you do? Did you try apologizing?"

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