Losing Control

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"wHOO!" Chase was swigging the whiskey by the bottle, grinning ear to ear, "Ya feelin' it, glitchy!?"

Anti wanted to but unfortunately, he was stone-cold sober, a mere passenger in Chase's drunken stupor, 'Not yet. Maybe a little more will do it'

"Ah feck off will ya!? I ain't stupid! Ain't doin' nothin' ta ya! Fecker!"

'My god the Irish just pours out of you when you're like this, doesn't it?'

"Say Anti, do ya actually know Darkiplier?"

The glitch groaned in response, 'Please don't mention him'

"I know ya ain't corp . . .corporilus or whateva but have ya two ever. . ." he started off suggestively, making Anti burn with rage.

'Don't fucking say it, Brody'

"Ya ever hang out with da lad?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, 'Not where I thought you were going with that but okay. No, Brody. I've never . . . .hung out with Dark before. We're enemies'

"Why's that!? You're both feckin arseholes and evil sons a bitches" Chase made his way to the half-melted ice cream that was on the counter and started licking at it again from his spoon, "Ya'd get along swell, I think!"

'Doubt it'

"Ya'd probably love ta do other things too with each other"

'There it is. Okay. Please pass out already'

"What!? Ya embarassed, glitchy-boy~!?" Chase laughed loudly, "I don't think you  even know what sex FEELS like! You've never been corpo long enough to find out!"

'Oh god is this what I'm like? I'm sorry, alright!? Please for the love of whatever higher power there is, just shut up already!'

"I think higher power fer us is Sean, glitchy-boy"

'Please stop calling me that'


'Shut up'

"Lord almighty Seany. Hey, Anti! Ya eve-"


Suddenly Chase shut up but not in the way Anti thought he would. At that moment of command from his head, Chase suddenly fell to the ground in the kitchen unconscious.

Anti groaned in his head, 'Oh fuck it all!'

Luckily, Anti did get his wish, however, for a while as Chase couldn't dream like  this. It was almost peaceful for a while until a few hours later, Chase blinked awake.

"Ooohhhh" he groaned, "Da fuck?"

'Finally awake, drunkass?'

"Shut up" Chase was tempted on laying his  head back down on the cold tile but forced himself up, "Fuck, I have ta work in three hours"

'You agreed on drinking. Too bad I couldn't get drunk, too. Could have used it dealing with you'

"I'm going to bed"

Anti was silent, perhaps readying himself for whatever may happen when Chase's head hits the pillow. He wouldn't admit he was freaked out by the imagery. Why would he? He was the one who caused it all to happen. He was the one who sent Chase into this downward spiral.

Only he never thought he'd have to be subjected to it.

Once Chase got into bed, he gave a big yawn and sleepily mumbled, "G'night glitch"

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