Let There Be Darkness

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When Henrik was finally done patching Anti up, said glitch mowed down his plate of food hungrily and even tried going for seconds. Chase stopped him, however, placing a large glass of water in front of him, "Drink all of that, first and then you can have more"

"But why!?"

"He is right." Henrik wiped his face with a napkin, "You are pretty dehydrated. Drugs and alcohol vill do that to you. Have you been drinking ANY plain water?"

Anti pouted in a snarl but huffed and caved, drinking the water. He wanted dessert, too, so he'd be sure to drink it all quickly.

Jackie was still glaring at him. It was clear he still didn't trust him but what choice did he really have?

"You still haven't answered some of my questions"

"That's because I don't want to, cape-boy"

Jackie's eye twitched but sighed, trying to calm himself, "What was your motive in killing those gang members?"

Anti snagged some fried chicken and mac and cheese along with some chocolate chip cookies Chase had ordered. 

He had the full intention of ignoring Jackie until the man stood up suddenly, hitting the table with his fist. His strength left a small splintered dent in the table.

Chase groaned, "Jackie, what the fook!? You're paying for another table, you arsehole!"

Anti just stared at the mark left behind and swallowed but wasn't going to back down to him, "Why have you been slacking off? You've let this town go corrupt, hero"

Picking up his plate, Anti took it with him to the living room. He wasn't going to sit there and be questioned like that.

They were all surprised, really. They expected Anti to snap and attack them all. Chase, however, took his food with him to go sit next to Anti in the living room. Grabbing a bowl of ice cream as he did so, leaving the others at the kitchen table to think about what the hell just happened.

Chase walked in and 'bravely' sat next to Anti on the couch as he stared at a static screen, finishing his savory foods.

"You know what would go great with cookies?"


"Ice cream" Chase spooned some on his plate next to the cookies and Anti sighed.

"Why are you being this way, Chase? You shouldn't be"

"Eh. Call me crazy but we've been through a lot together the last couple weeks, bro. Getting to know you hasn't been easy but I think I'm starting to get a hang of it."

"Stop calling me bro. I'm not your brother, remember? Said so yourself not long ago. You got some Stockholm Syndrome or something?"

"Maybe" Chase didn't fix what Anti had said but he knew he was still going to be stubborn about it.

"Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot. Wrong limb, even. . . .  but I'm glad you're trying. You can't tell me you haven't changed. If you hadn't, we'd all be dead, right? Wasn't that your whole goal in the beginning?"

Anti shrugged and Chase chuckled, "Look. . .  we'll fix the mess with Dark. And then once that's settled, you can live here, alright? I don't like the idea of you not having a place to sleep . . . . and walking around making people believe you're me. Yeah, I'm not stupid"

Anti just laid back on the arm of the couch, staring up at the ceiling, "There's nothing you morons can do. Dark's gonna kill me and that's that. Might as well hand myself over to him"

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