Is This Fear?

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'Jaysus! Will ya stop fooking screaming already and eat more!'

Chase tried desperately not to hyperventilate but Anti's voice stopped him from concentrating, "WHY ARE YOU IN MY HEAD!?"

'Not sure.' his voice seemed genuinely confused, 'Perhaps it has something to do with the FUCKING SPELL ON THE FLASHDRIVE!!'

"Fuck you! You had that coming, asshole!"

'I did nothing to you!'

"You really want to go down THAT FOOKING ROAD?!"

Anti fell silent but Chase could hear him grumbling as if he were pouting, 'Can't you just let it go and eat the damn pancakes? Don't you have to go to work soon anyways?'

"Don't change the subject" Chase growled, "Get out of my head and back into my phone or something"

'Thought you didn't want me in your devices?' His voice was snarky.

"Well it's fooking better than having you in my head!"

A sigh was heard and then silence for just a moment.

'I can't'

"What do you mean you can't?!" Chase practically screamed and was hyperventilating again.

'I can't leave your mind' Anti hummed a moment, 'Looks like I'm stuck like this. Oh well. Might as well eat'

"Your fucking with me. That's it. You have to be. You just want the food!"

'Well I mean that's a benefit but no. I really can't leave.' he snorted, 'Man, you really fucked up again, didn't you?'

Chase growled nearly inhumanly before rubbing his eyes and face in resignation, "Fine. But we're gonna set some ground rules"

'Ooo. I don't do good with rules, Brody.'

"I don't care. Either follow the rules or I won't eat."

There was silence and Chase realized he won the argument, "First off, no messing with my head. I know what you can do and you can fuck off with that shit. Second, never tell me how much I can't drink and third, no goading me into killing myself"

'Well I wouldn't want to do that now, anyways!' Anti huffed, 'Odds are if you die, I might die and I'm not about to take that risk! Now is that all?'

"No. I don't want you messing with my daily life so when I'm at work, no talking to me. That goes for when I go to court tomorrow, too and when I get to see my kids"

'IF you do'

"WHEN. Are we clear? Until I can figure out a way to get you out of my head, those are the rules"

Anti sighed dramatically but hummed in agreement, 'Fine, Brody. We have a deal. For now'

"Good" Chase picked up his fork and started eating again, ignoring Anti's weird moaning.

"My god, you're weird"

'Shut up!'

For the most part, Chase was freaking out on the inside. This was not how he wanted things to go but then again, when did ANYTHING ever go how he wanted? 

When he was all ready for his first day, he grabbed his cap and keys and was preparing himself to walk only to halt on himself.

"Ah shit! I can actually drive the fooking car now. Silver lining" he said to himself.

Anti butt in, 'I only fucked with your radio twice. It's not like I drove it around myself and tried to crash it with you in it.'

Chase got in the car and furrowed his brow, "Could you have?"

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