Horrors of the Past Revealed

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Trigger warning: There be some dark shit in this chapter. Watch out.





Familiar faces all staring at him, disappointment in their eyes.

Anti woke up abruptly, startled out of another nightmare.

'Dammit. Thought that since I was freed from Brody, they'd stop' he ran a hand through his hair and stretched a little.

He felt the cold, crisp air hit his skin and remembered he was shirtless. Then a sudden pain in his head blared and he groaned, 'Fuck. Maybe it's just because it's my first time with areal body. Not a light-weight' he grumbled to himself.

Standing up with only stumbling slightly, he took in the morning as the sun rose. It was partly cloudy but then again it always was in this area.

Glitching around town, he managed to sneak in a general store and grab a shirt. He didn't know where Chase's went but he wasn't worried about it whatsoever. Before glitching out, he grabbed some more hair ties, too, to keep his hair out of his face.

'I've only ever seen the town through Brody's eyes. I wonder what else is around that I can mess with?' 

As he walked, he came up to the road he was near last night with a few cop cars surrounding the area. Smirking, he knew what they were investigating, 'Serves them right. Sick fucks deserved it, really. I did this town a damn favor as far as I'm concerned.'

He couldn't help but to think what Chase would think of him, though. He'd probably be disappointed, right? But really he was defending himself, wasn't he? They were going to kill him after they got what they wanted.

Snarling at himself, he shook the thoughts away and walked on. He was curious as to what the other egos were up to at the moment. 

'Maybe I should do some recon? Where does Jameson work again?'

The kids had been sad the next morning, knowing that their mother would be coming over to pick them up. 

Chase was making breakfast for them when Kallie gave him a sad pout, "When will we be able to see you again, daddy?"

"Will it be forever again?" 

Chase's heart broke as he plopped the pancakes down on their plates, "Nah, no. Don't worry about it, kids. Your mother and I made an agreement. It won't be as long again, I promise. Maybe next weekend? Who knows? I'll ask her."

Kallie gave a small smile but still seemed sad, picking at the pancake with her fork, letting the syrup drown it.

Sammy stared at his dad, "Hey dad, why did we get to see Uncle Marvin, Jackie, Schneep and JJ yesterday? They all were at work. Don't you work, dad?"

"Uh, yeah. Of course I do, Sammy"

"Then why aren't you going to work today? It's Monday."

Chase froze but was quick on his feet, "Well why aren't you two in school?"

Kallie giggled, "Because it's summer, daddy! No school in summer!"

"Well sometimes, adults have different work days just like kids have different school days"

Sammy was sort of suspicious but let it go, eating more of his pancake. Chase hoped Sam didn't tell his mother. He couldn't let her know he wasn't working today. She'd think he was skimping out on the job! He just needed to take one sick day so Marvin could give him back all his memories and he'd be better.

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