Anti Saves the Day?

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Anti had his hood up messing with the pumpkin sculpture still in his pouch. He didn't know why. Maybe it was because the glaze had a nice texture?

Slowly, he made his way to the doctor's office. He wasn't sure what he was going to do but the plan was to watch. The big plan was to just watch everyone for now. He almost snapped at Jameson and killed him but usually he wouldn't care if his plans just . . . .changed. He never usually second-guessed himself and this was the second time he did so. He tried not thinking about Chase right now.

When he arrived at the clinic, he paused, unsure of howto enter. He couldn't just point-blank walk in like he could at Jameson's store. Henrik would alert the others as quick as a snap of his finger.

And although he had MANY new questions of how to handle this new human body of his. . . .he couldn't risk Henrik being a nark and/or try to kill him.

So instead, he glitched his way in through the power lines and into the computers. It wasn't difficult to find which one was Henrik's but it didn't appear he was at his desk at the moment so he flung himself to a security camera instead to survey the area.

He found Henrik coming back to his office after diagnosing a patient and oddly just looked around his office blankly. A few minutes ticked by until Henrik finally sighed and sat at his desk, running his hands down his face tiredly. Coffee pot stationed at his desk, he was ready for another cup already. At his desk was also a picture he kept staring at.

Anti had never seen or met Henrik's family like he had Chase's but he could see he had an ex-wife and two kids as well.

"Fooking Rick" Henrik growled out to himself softly.

Anti snickered to himself and glitched out of the camera behind Henrik a couple meters. He itched for his knife again, remembering what he did to Henrik a long time ago. He could still feel the cords in his hands and hear Henrik's choking pleas.

Suddenly Henrik banged his fists against the desk and flung all his papers and files off in a fit of anger.

Anti halted, watching as he roughly opened up a drawer and took out a bottle of Brandy.

'Seem's Brody isn't the only family drunk?' he peered closer and watched as Henrik tilted the bottle back to take a swig and hunched over his desk, taking the picture frame in his hands.

"Meine Kleinen. Fook. He better be treating you all alright. So sorry"

Anti was very uncomfortable suddenly being in this situation even if Henrik didn't see him.

That is, until he tilted the picture frame and saw Anti's reflection.

Before Henrik could turn, however, Anti glitched out quickly, making the doctor think it was just a hallucination. Watching from the security camera, he saw Henrik shed a few frightened tears and throw the bottle in the trash.

'Dammit' Anti glitched outside, stalking away from the clinic, 'Every time I try and hurt them . . . have I grown soft?' he shook his head, 'No of course not! I couldn't have!'

"Had emotions for just a few days and I'm already acting like those idiots." he snarled to himself, "I can't. Don't lose sight of the goal" he told himself, "You were made to be the complete opposite of all of them, dammit!"

A couple walking by him stared at him oddly and Anti blushed, stomping away quickly, 'Damn fucking emotions! I won't let them get the best of me! I won't be weak! I can't go soft!'

He broke into a brisk run, being careful the pumpkin didn't fall out. He paid good money for that piece of junk.

'There's one more Septic ego I KNOW I can hurt' 

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