Sick To My Stomach

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The kids were bouncing  up and down as they followed their father in his home. They had never been in this building were all too excited to explore. 

Chase could feel Anti practically groaning in his head at their loud high-pitched squeals but only smirked a little.

"Hey guys! I got a room for ya upstairs! Wanna check it out?" 

Since Marvin had cleaned it up, he wasn't squeamish about them staying in there.

Sammy bolted to the stairs, "Yeah! Come on, Kallie!"

"No running up the stairs" Chase warned but was right behind them just in case.

When they entered the room, the two were as happy as can be, laughing and grinning.

Anti thought he was going to be ill. All the emotions Chase was feeling was spreading to him like wildfire and it was nauseating.

"This room is so cool, dad!" Sammy hugged his leg and Chase laughed.

"Well I'm glad you two like it! Hopefully you guys will be able to stay over more often after this weekend."

"I want to!" Kallie pouted, "Why don't you live with us anymore, daddy?"

Sammy seconded that, "Yeah! Did you do something bad? Mommy doesn't like us asking about you"

Chase's heart wrenched and he tried to think of a good reply. He scratched at the back of his head and kept trying to just smile, "I don't think you two are old enough yet. Maybe when you're older, I'll tell ya, okay?"

"Aaawwwwww!!" they groaned.

They seemed disappointed but that was quickly replaced with excitement again when Sammy saw the Xbox.

Kallie, however, rolled her eyes at her brother and took out her Nintendo Switch, "I have something better" she gloated, starting up her Animal Crossing game.





'Oh my fucking god, Brody get them to shut the fuck up before I lose what's left of my sanity!'

"Okay, kids! You can play games later. How about you guys fill me in on what I've missed, huh? I could make us some hot chocolate and we could play some UNO or something?"

They didn't look too impressed but agreed, following their father back downstairs. Of course hot chocolate would always win.

Anti was pissed off. He couldn't take it. The sheer amount of strong emotions that were coming off of Chase were just too much for him. It was starting to effect him and he wasn't doing too well with that. He felt like he was having a migraine, it hurt him so much. Something else was happening.

Between Chase's words to him, the nightmares and now the overflow of joy and sadness coming off of Chase, Anti was sure he was going to die. That's what it had to be, right? This feeling in his chest of burning, the lump in his throat leaking eyes . . .  they were symptoms of his impending death, right?

He'd almost feel worried but was too stubborn for that. He'd never let himself die. He'd make sure of that.

Anti barely listened in Chase's head as the kids and him played the game, talked and laughed. Sipping the hot chocolate was Anti's only reprieve. 

Fuck, it tasted so good.

He almost wished Marvin would just get him out, already, so he could taste it for himself in his own body. Now that would be great. If Marvin and Chase let him live long enough afterwards. He knew that he was either stuck in Chase's head forever or dead when he was released with his own body. Chase was always good with a gun. Too good, really.

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