What Is This Feeling?

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Send good vibes, please :( I lost my job the other day because of covid-19. 

The Chairman of the company shut the business down permanently because he thought we were only losing money anyways. It was a sudden hard hit but I will still keep writing and drawing. I have the time to now, anyways, I guess. 

Wish me luck in finding a new job! Love you guys!💚

Chase shot up, his heart pounding and lungs panicking for air. 

Blinking the light away from his eyes that was bleeding from the curtain, he vaguely remembered what had happened last night. A feeling of dread washed over him.

"A-anti?" he whispered, "What happened?"

Anti's deep chuckle in his head sent a shiver down his spine and Chase closed his eyes, shaking.

"Anti . . .  what did you do?"

'What do you mean, Brody?' he nearly sang teasingly.

"Fucking . . ." Chase scoffed, "You fucking pyschopath, WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

'Easy there. Easy, Brody' he snorted, 'Nothing he didn't deserve'

"The hell does THAT mean!?" he sqeaked higher than he meant to. Now he was scared.

'Might want to check the kitchen before your kids are dropped off. I might have missed some areas'

Without another thought, Chase stormed out of his bed and bolted down the stairs into the kitchen.

Honestly, it was pretty clean and Chase would have felt relieved if it wasn't for the small flecks of red here and there.

"Uh . . . . . Where's the body, Anti?"

'I don't know what you mean. What makes you think he's dead?'

"Because it's YOU, Anti! Now where's the fooking body!?"

'. . . . .  hmhmhmhmh' he giggled lowly in a slight hum, 'Go ahead and follow the trail, puppet'

Chase growled, "Damn you" 

Looking around, heading out of the kitchen into the other room were more flecks and small pools of blood on the hardwood floors and linoleum. Heart racing, Chase followed the blood trail to the guest room where he WAS going to have his kids sleep. 

From there, he could smell it.

It was a dingy and foul smell and he could taste the iron on his tongue. It was so strong, he wanted to puke. Busting open the bathroom, he found the body.

Chase turned abruptly away, not baring to see it, covering his mouth and shaking.

Anti's laughter echoed in his head. He thought it was funny.

There Derek's body was in the bath tub smothered with blood, his dead eyes open.

"Oh fuck" Chase whimpered, "Oh god"

'Oh don't even pretend like he didn't deserve it. You heard everything he said, Brody'

"That doesn't give you the right to just KILL HIM!!"

'Whatever. The way I see it, I did you a service.'

"Of course you'd see it that way." Chase muttered and stoned up his emotions. He took a few deep breathes to try and calm himself.

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