Just My Imagination?

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Chase didn't really know what to do. He recognized the man in the TV. It was the same person from in his dreams. He was starting to remember things. Little visions of the carnage and fear this man had created.

'Uh . . .'  the man on the TV didn't know what to say either, it seemed.

Out of fear, he quickly turned off the TV making it go black.

He really was at a loss. 

'That couldn't have been. . . . either I'm crazy or it really was him. Why in the hell was he in my TV!?'

Visions from his dream returned in his mind and he clutched his head. He could clearly hear and see everything when he closed his eyes. When he opened them, he stumbled into the kitchen. He was about to get some water from the faucet but his eyes darted to the cabinet. 

'Fuck it' he slammed the cabinet open and pulled out a large bottle of whiskey. Without bothering to grab a glass, he merely popped it open and drank from the bottle.

'It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're just seeing things, Chase. It's the medicine, that's all. Just calm down and drink. You'll forget all about it soon. He's not back. No way.'

Anti watched from the kitchen appliances as Chase drank himself into a stupor. He didn't feel anything as he did so but just watched. Really, Anti was quite disheveled at his reaction and the glitch couldn't help but want to hit himself. He could have played with him more but now that Chase knew he was there, more was at stake.  

What if Chase went to the others? Would they believe him or think he was crazy? Anti had come so far from when Marvin and Sean sent him off, it'd be a pain to start over from the beginning. He was getting stronger and stronger.

Once again, he could kick himself. Instead of playing with Chase, he could have been saving up more of his energy but it was just SO BORING! He wanted some fun already! He really was smart, just impatient when it came to waiting without doing absolutely nothing.

He may have taken it a bit far this time, though. 

Not that he'd ever actually admit that.

The next morning, Chase awoke on the floor under a small pool of his own saliva. His head pounded and his vision was blurred at first but as he slowly sat himself up, he could tell he was back in the living room. Noises could be heard but they felt like sirens at the moment, torturing him. He turned and saw the TV was on playing a kid's show.

He stretched a little, groaning a his bones creaked and his muscles tensed. Chase stood a bit wobbly but sat on the couch staring at the TV. Last night didn't go away. He still remembered what happened and there was nothing Anti could do to make him forget now.

Chase took a breathe and closed his eyes. He could tell Marvin's memory repression spell was wearing off only holding on by a thread. There was no point in trying to  forget now. He'd go to him later to take off the rest of the spell but until then. . . 

"Anti? I know you're there. Why don't you show yourself again?"


"Come on, you little fuck, I know you're there. Stop hiding like a coward!"

Not even a familiar buzz. Chase growled and mumbled under his breathe, "Fucking glitch bitch"

The TV suddenly turned off by itself, catching Chase's attention only to turn back on to a dark static. Glowing green eyes followed by the rest of his face appeared in the middle of the screen.

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