Better Leverage

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Jackie stared up at Anti would looked as insane as ever. Just like  he did when he first saw him. But really, he couldn't be happier.

Anti chuckled, "What's the matter sili-cunt? Not gonna call for dear Darky?"

Google glared at the man and huffed, "I know Dark will be just as happy if I take you out myself"

Anti's sparks radiated off of him and he clenched his jaw in a snarl, "We'll see about that"

Google went to attack, pointing his fingers at him to laser off a limb but Anti glitched out of the way to suddenly kick him in the face, shoving him away from Henrik as he still tried to work on the giant cable.

Google grabbed his leg, however, and twirled Anti around to throw him into the wall only for Anti to glitch again, disappearing in the darkness. Google tried to find him with his heat sensors but it was useless.

"Awwww" Anti's voice echoed in the plant, "Are you having trouble? Are you maaaaad~? At dear me?" 

Something sparked nearby and Google rushed to laser it only to it not to be Anti.

"So on edge" his voice called out, "Is it because I fucked around with your motherboard?? Poor little pocket calculator~"

"I'll kill you" Google's eyes glowed red in his anger, "Show yourself you useless, pathetic glitch! You're nothing but a disgusting virus while I am actually useful! At least my fellow egos haven't constantly tried to shut me down!"

Anti appeared behind Google and roughly latched himself around him, an arm around his neck.

 Google was thrown off and tried to wriggle out but Anti's grip was tight, "You should be thanking me. Without me, you wouldn't have found the need to upgrade so much quicker. Too bad your silly lasers are useless on me"

Google managed to elbow him in the gut, making Anti let him go, "Well then maybe this will work" a large knife slipped out of his wrist and he went to swing it an Anti.

He dodged out of the way leaving Google to slash at his shirt, ripping it a little, "Fucker! This isn't even my shirt!"

"Duck, Anti!" Jackie's voice rang out in the plant a little ways away from them and Anti just barely dodged before Google tried to decapitate him.

"Jaysus! Someone's pissy! At least Bing has a sense of humor! Always thought he was the better android!"

"Fucking-" Google tried attacking him once more with a swift lunge only for Anti to shove his hand through his chest, having glitched suddenly behind him. 

Google gaped in shock, twitching roughly before finally shutting down, falling limp in Anti's arms.

Anti shoved him to the ground, "Great. There's another thing for Dark to be pissed off at me for"

"Anti" Jackie was still on the ground, having watched the whole fight.

Anti cautiously came over to him to examine him but there wasn't anything he could do to help, really. That wasn't his expertise.

Henrik cursed as another spark lashed to stop his work, "Dammit it all!"

"What's the problem? Can't you fix it?"

Jackie sighed, "Henrik, do you need help?"

"Not from you! Lay back down!" the doctor snapped at him, "You are in no condition to do anything now!"

Anti hummed as Jackie growled but said nothing.

"How much in a hurry are we?" Anti asked.

Jackie clenched his jaw, "The longer we mess with this damn cable, the more crime will happen in the city causing a lot of damage to it's economy and the people in it. The generators are down. Google did his job well."

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