The Court

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Anti stayed silent and still in Chase's head. Awake. Even though Chase was still sleeping, Anti controlled himself, exerting energy to remain coherent. He didn't want to go back into Chase's nightmares.

Or dreams.

Were they actually considered nightmares to him based on how he reacted?

The glitch knew that today was going to be a big day. He figured he could fall into a slight hibernation while Chase was at work but he wanted to be in tune with what was happening at the court. Based on the information he had collected, today would be the deciding factor on whether or not the judge would give him another chance at seeing his kids again.

Now Anti didn't really care about that but he was curious about seeing Stacey again and how things would go down with Chase seeing the new man she was fucking. He was also wondering if Marvin and Jackie would come. Chase hadn't called them yet so he assumed no but anything could happen, really.

The only problem was if Marvin would be able to sense Anti in Chase or not. If he could then he  hoped the magician wouldn't be coming.

Suddenly Chase started moving and Anti felt him wake up.

'Rise and shine, princess' Anti chuckled in his head, 'You ready for a fun day?'

Chase snorted, "Actually yes. I'll get to see my kids today so I'm pretty ecstatic"

That was not the reaction he was looking for.


Chase sighed, "My god, do you always have to be such a fucking bummer?"

'I'm a psychopathic killer for a reason, Brody. I was MADE to bring others down'

"You're such a dick"

'Technically we SHARE a dick right now. . . . . . .  so I'd advise on NOT pleasuring yourself unless you're into that sort of thing'

At that, Chase was up and ran to the bathroom to dry heave and gag in the sink, "You're fooking gross!"

But he could hear Anti's sharp giggling in his head, 'You should have seen your face! Aahahahaha!'

Chase rolled his eyes, took a few breathes and very awkwardly took a shower.

"Gonna be the fooking death of me, I swear"

'You wish. What's for breakfast?'

"I'm not hungry. Especially not after your nasty-ass comment."

'Oh come on! It was a joke! What about pancakes? Those were good. Or eggs!? What about-'

"ENOUGH! Shut up, already!"

There was a few moments of silence before Anti commented quietly in his head, 'Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed'

"Wonder whose fault that is"

'Hey I didn't do anything to you last night, Brody! Although I will admit I did see the nightmare and I have to say, your mind is FUCKED UP'

"Thanks" Chase sighed again and merely fixed himself up some coffee, "That means very little coming from you"

'Do you even remember it? What it really means through your memories, I mean? Everything was pretty cloudy and obscure so I'm assuming no but-'

"What do you mean? Which parts? Some of it I know is from when you attacked us and shit. What other parts do you mean though because there was a lot I'm confused about, myself"

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