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As Chase slowly walked home, he could feel the buzzing of his phone in his pocket. With a sigh, he pulled it out only to see Anti on the screen in front of his apps.

"Aw! You sad dear Marvy didn't believe you? Poor thing!" he teased.

Chase rolled his eyes and stuffed the phone back in his pocket with a huff, not feeling like dealing with the glitch the moment. He understood why Marvin didn't believe him. Or else. . . perhaps didn't want to. Chase may not remember some things but he DID remember Anti was the worst of the worst. 

An yet there was something about him earlier that Chase couldn't help but smirk at. The way he behaved like a child in time-out. Shaking his head, Chase passed by a few other stores, remembering he was still out a job.

Biting his lip, he knew it wouldn't look good on his record being unemployed and the court date was next week which really, would determine whether or not he could have his kids on weekends. 

He didn't want to but he changed his course to walk to the nearest fast-food joint. He at least knew it wouldn't take much to be hired there.

Anti snarled as Chase had stuffed the phone back in the pocket but decided it wasn't worth messing with him anymore at the moment. He knew Marvin probably did sense him but was most likely trying to block him out and pretend. He didn't want to have to deal with him again.

In a way, Anti almost pitied Chase in his 'predicament' but it was also amusing. 

Glitching out of the phone, he teleported his conscious back to his house in wait. He'd mess with him and gloat when he returned.

Getting the job was a lot easier than Chase thought. 

'They must be really needing people' he thought, 'Oh well. Good for me. Any job is better than none, I guess'.

Not wanting to go home just yet, however, he made his way to the store. Finally.

When he finally made it, he debated on whether or not he should just go back to driving his car. Sweating a little after the long walk, he flipped his cap back. As he walked into the store, he felt the familiar wave of anxiety on him but ignored it, grabbing a cart to put in his things.

He went through the aisles, grabbing anything he might want, also thinking of the kids and what they would want if Stacey and him came to an agreement in court.

He smiled a little, grabbing the mac and cheese and some monkey bread he could make for them. Wheeling the cart around, he filled it up with essentials plus indulgences until he came up to the spirits aisle. Swallowing a lump in his throat he tapped the cart with his fingers and whined a little but pushed himself to walk away, instead to the frozen section.

His feet stopped, however, when he met a familiar face. He was about to turn around and run but it was too late. She saw him.


He gripped the cart handle hard, making his knuckles turn white. It wasn't out of anger. He was just really nervous. She was NOT a person he wanted to see right now. And yet he couldn't stop his heart beating fast just like the first time they met. She was still just as beautiful.

"Stace" he whimpered out but disguised the high pitched with a cough, "Hi-Hey. Didn't expect. . .to uh. . .see you here"

"At the store? Getting food like everyone else would? Okay" she laughed lightly.

Chase cleared his throat, "Yeah uh . . . hm"

"How've you been doing?"

She DARED to ask that? His nervous demeanor changed and he just stared at her, shaking his head, "As if you don't know"

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