Bad Trip

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Jackie stretched out as he finished a scene. Being a stunt man was difficult but it was easier than being a vigilante, he'd admit. That, and he was getting paid for it.

Changing into his casual wear, a friend of his offered to pay for dinner. He was going to the fast food joint downtown.

"Yeah sure. I'll come with. I love that place!"

As they got there and walked inside, however, the air felt odd.

He looked around for any weird signs of trouble but nothing. A man in a black hoodie left the restaurant quickly but he had tons of food with him in a bag, 'Must be in a hurry to get somewhere'

Shaking off the weird feeling, he went up to the cash register.

Before he could order his food, however, the kid who was going to take his order just stared at him, "Dude. That guy must have a lot of brothers. You related to Chase, too, man?"

Jackie, a little taken aback just nodded, "Yeah. . . who was just in here for you to say that, kid?"

He shrugged, "He said he was Chase's brother. Andy or something like that."

Jackie stilled and forgetting about ordering food, he looked out the back door and stomped towards it where the man in the black hoodie left.

He ignored his coworker calling back for him and ran out.

'I knew I felt something weird. Is it really him, though? Could it be? It can't be, right? He's gone.'

Jackie wanted to go after the man but unfortunately, he just vanished without a trace.

Swallowing uncomfortably, Jackie sighed and walked back in the restaurant. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Maybe the kid misheard the man and it was really one of the others?

'Could've been Chase trying to get out of something and lying' but really Jackie didn't really believe that himself, 'But then again he has been acting strange lately. The other day with the kids he seemed off like he was looking around and waiting for something to happen'

Jackie bit his lip and walked back inside. His coworker tried to grill him on what just happened but he just waved it off.

But he couldn't just let it go. Something felt weird. And the man in the black hoodie. He couldn't deny he felt a strange energy coming off of him as he left. Plus disappearing so suddenly . . .

He retired himself from hero work but Jackie couldn't just let this go. Something was going on and he was going to figure out what. That was his addiction.

 Chase laid in his bed looking up at the ceiling. Marvin left a while ago but told Chase he'd make sure to place a spell on his boss and coworkers so he wouldn't get in trouble for not coming into work. Chase wasn't in the best spirits right now and definitely not in the mood to deal with any sort of people.

Everything was really silent in the house. It was starting to get dark hitting at five in the evening but Chase hadn't eaten anything since that morning when Marvin ordered out breakfast after the kitchen incident.

He knew he had been harsh on Marvin but he couldn't bring himself to care.

The images of Stacey being thrown down the stairs and seeing himself possessed like that. Having Anti take control over him  . . . . Watching himself kill those civilians. That part wasn't Anti and would full-well admit that. Marvin could argue all he wanted but Chase KNEW. It was all him. Anti had just been the bystander in THAT moment.

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