Anti's Confession

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"The fuck!?" Chase ripped out of Dark's grasp but it was already too late. Chase watched as Marvin left with the kids.

'Shit . . . . . at least they got out' Chase turned to glare at the Iplier ego, not showing the least bit of fear. He wasn't afraid of him.

Dark just smiled and crossed his arms behind his back, "See? All according to plan"

Chase clenched his fists and his nose scrunched, "The fuck are you talking about?"

"I knew two of you would come to get the brats. That was the plan. I was hoping it might be you and the glitch but the second guess was you and the magician. I knew you would come either way. That leaves Anti with the doctor and hero."

"You're wrong. Anti's off in hiding from you"

Dark smiled wider, "Are you so sure about that? The power is back up and running in the city and I know the only person who's be able to fix it that quickly . . . . is-"

"Shit. . . " Chase cursed, " . . .  Anti"

"Precisely." Dark clapped once with a nod of his head, "And since I have YOU as a hostage now. . . . it'll only be a matter of time before Anti comes for you"

"Thought you said he hadn't changed? What makes you so sure it'll be him that comes for me?"

"Because the magician can't. He used too much energy to find me and the kids AND to get here. He can't do it again."

"Doesn't explain why you think Anti will come. If he really didn't care then he wouldn't and not even the others could get him to. You and I both know how stubborn he is"

"True." Dark shrugged, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see. And then if he doesn't show. . . .  I guess I'll have to leave your dead body somewhere for them to find and I'll find a different way to catch the glitch"

Chase paled at that, "W-why? I mean couldn't you just let me go?"

Dark just sighed and walked over to the fireplace again, staring into the flames, "Your kids are rather well behaved" he changed the subject, "I was almost sad to have scared them. That wasn't my intention"

"Fuck off" If Chase was going to die, he'd go down being a nuisance. 

But Dark paid him no mind, waiting calmly.

Anti sat on his ass on the ground, having finally regrouped a bit more energy to sit up. He was exhausted now and still jittering a little but he was healing fast. Not as fast as he would be without a human body but fast enough.

"You doing good, glitch?" Jackie asked him, Henrik hovering over him to wrap bandages, stopping bleeding wherever he could at the moment.

"Don't call me glitch, red. You're lucky I can't maim ya right now"

Jackie breathed out a hard chuckle, "That why you call me those names? Payback?"

"No. I just don't like you"

"Fair enough, I guess"

Anti snorted.

"They should be back by now" Henrik bit his lip in worry, "I fear it's been too long"

"They'll be fine, doc. I'm sure of it. Stop worrying." Jackie pat his shoulder but it was clear he wasn't convinced.

Suddenly a bright light flashed between them all to reveal Marvin and the kids.

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