Darkiplier's Rage

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The Septic Egos stared at Dark who was quickly losing his patience.

'Fucking hell, Anti. What did you do?' Chase gulped.

Dark growled and walked a little closer to them, giving them all a sense of panic, "I SAID where is he? Tell me now and I won't kill you all"

Dark was not someone to mess with. Anti on his own used to be stronger than all of the Septics but going up against Dark, it was rumored Anti fled after realizing he wouldn't win.

And now Anti obviously went and did something stupid to him while he was fucked up.

"Where is he, Chase?" Jackie was ready to just give him to him.

But he just glared at him, "No. He's not getting him." he turned back to Dark. He was afraid but he tried not to show it, "What do you want with him?"

"That's none of your concern, really" he twisted his cane around on the floor with his fingers casually, "But if you must know, that little ingrate owes me his life after what he did last night"

Coming out of the shadows, Dark finally showed himself. It was odd seeing the man in . . . .  not a suit. He still wore black clothing but it wasn't what he usually had. A black T-shirt and dark gray jeans. It was almost too jarring for them.

"If you don't tell me where he is, I'll just find him myself and kill you all for hiding him from me"

Jackie shoved Chase, "Dude, just tell him!"

"No!" Chase bat Jackie away from him, "I want to know what he did. What did he do that warrants him to die? Because ever since he's been corporeal the last couple days, I haven't seen him do anything that sentences him to that"

Dark snarled at Chase and chuckled humorlessly, "Who are you now, his damn mother!? If you just HAVE to know. . . .  the little insect bust into MY home, hacked Google and Bing, egged the mansion, destroyed ALL my suits, obviously murdered someone in my bath tub, destroyed the nearby transformer and cut our power AND trashed my entire office! It's going to take weeks to fix his damn mess and I WANT PAYMENT IN HIS FUCKING BLOOD!" Dark's aura slashed around him viciously.

Well. Chase wasn't expecting that but he wasn't going to cower.

"For your information, he most likely didn't kill anyone in your bathtub, Dark. He arrived here this morning bleeding out and cutting himself. Just give him a break, alright?"

"You think I give a fuck? The bastard probably got off on it" Dark laughed and slammed his cane on the ground, "So he IS here, then."

"Shit" Marvin bit his lip, "Chase, I don't know if we can go up against him."

"I'm not giving Anti up. He's changed. He was out of his mind last night on drugs, overdosing and drunk. Dark, please just reconsider-"

"ENOUGH!" His aura blasted around them angrily, "I. Don't. Care. He dies today. The only reason you all aren't dead in this very moment is because Mark would have a damn fit with me. But I could deal with that if you don't give me what I want"

The others admired Chase's stubbornness but weren't too sure that they wanted to die for Anti. What had he done for THEM? But they stuck by Chase's side. If they were going to die, they'd die together, not that they had a choice at the moment.

Dark growled deeply and cracked his neck again but before he could unleash his wrath on them-


They all looked above them, hearing the noise.

Dark smirked and teleported up the stairs. Chase tried running after him but Jackie held him back, "No! Anti, run! Let me go, Jackie!" he elbowed him hard in the stomach and ran after Dark, the others closer behind.

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