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"What do you mean you haven't seen him in months, Anti?"

The glitch flickered just a little, trying to keep it in check the best he could while his brother interrogated him.

"Can we not do this right now? I'm trying ta eat here" he stuffed his face with salty fries.

Marvin raised a brow at him and Jackie rolled his eyes. The two were available to hang out today to spend time with the glitch and they all decided to grab some fast food. Needless to say, they didn't realize how much Anti could and would eat. They were never prepared for it.

Three cheeseburgers, two large fries, an order of cheese curds and one large milkshake. It was his favorite order and he didn't care if he was in pain later. He'd indulge himself. 

Henrik would often chastise him about his eating habits but there was nothing he could do about it. He was unstoppable.

"Look, all we're saying is that he DID apologize" Jackie hated to admit it, "And he did help you out of your little static hiding hole. And you haven't spoken to him since that day? It's been months, dude"


Marvin groaned, "Forget it, Jackie. There's no getting through that thick skull of his" he chuckled at Anti's 'glare'.

"Fook off." Anti threw a fry at him, "He tried to kill me. He killed Chase. He's an asshole with a stick up his ass-"

"Did you happen to forget everything you did to him?" Jackie gave him a look.

"Hey, man, I was on drugs and I still took responsibility. That's better than what most people would do."

"He IS right" Marvin relented.

Anti stuck his tongue out and fixed his new studded black jacket. Jackie narrowed his eyes at him, "Please tell me you asked Chase first before using his credit card again?"

Anti just shrugged, "Whatcha gonna do about it, cape-boy?  . . . What? At least I'm not buying drugs or alcohol with his money. I'm sober . . . . . assholes" he ignored Jackie's death stare.

"Still" Jackie persisted, "You need a friend."

"For the last time, I'm not gay. I'm . . . . what's it called? Pan?"

"Not that kind of friend, Anti"

"Ah. You mean a 'friend' friend. Hm. I don't think we'd have a lot in common"

"Probably more than you think" Marvin chuckled, "Besides, you need something to keep you busy. Someone to spend some time around that's not Chase, his kids or the other Septics. You know?"

"Are you kicking me out of the group already?" Anti taunted them, "Fuck, guys. I mean, damn. Is this because I didn't pay you back for the weed, Marv? Look, I'll get the money. I'll raid Chase's dresser cash."

Jackie swiped him upside the head and they all chuckled, "You know what we mean, you prick"

Anti sucked down the rest of his milkshake and groaned, "I'll probably eat the rest of this at home. See you fuckers later"

Before they could say anything, he glitched out with his food, making Marvin use a charm on the people in the lobby.

Anti knew they were somewhat right, though. He had been spending a LOT of time around them all. Perhaps too much time. Maybe he was suffocating them with his presence now?  . . . . . In a non-murderous way?

When he glitched home to Chase's, he flopped on the couch, ignoring the children already sitting there and threw his food on the coffee table.

"Uncle Anti!" Kallie laughed, "Get off! You're heavy!"

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