Making Things Worse

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He remembered everything . . . mostly. 

The things Marvin kept hidden weren't there so there were a few gaps.

All the memories had flowed in at once in his nightmare and he just wanted to puke.

Anti possessing Sean and slitting his throat. 

Anti trying to strangle Henrik.

 Anti possessing MOST of them and hurting them all in some way. 

He even remembered when Anti had tried to hurt his kids!

There were gaps there, too.

In Chase's nightmare, there was blood. So much blood. He remembered a dark red hallway yelling at Anti and pleading but the creature just grinned at him before glitching away. He remembered screaming when he found out why Anti was smiling.

A part of him KNEW that Anti had possessed him just like he did the others. He made him do something but it was hidden to him. 

In the end, Marvin had ejected him into the void but the memories still remained.

Chase remembered feeling so hopeless and afraid. Sick to his stomach. He had tried to kill himself then, too. So many suicide attempts only for them to fail. He was just a complete failure.

No wonder Anti loved to torment him so much.

When he woke up, he bolted upwards in his bed breathing erratically, his mind blank.

He held his head and a hand over his mouth as he cried from the memories that kept flooding in.

'He really is a monster' Chase didn't want to believe that anyone could really not have any morale or regret for any of their actions but here was Anti. 

Chase's features suddenly turned and he ran out of the bed and into the bathroom where his pills were. He tore open the bottle cap and was about to down them all.

"Fucking pathetic" Anti's voice sounded on the TV loud and clear, "Again, Chase? You wanted to remember. This is the price"  He was so unapologetic. So fucking annoying.

Chase put the pill bottle down and his mood swung once again into rage. His white-knuckled fist nearly crushed the bottle in his hand and his face turned red.

Shaking, he stomped out of the bathroom, glaring at the thing in the TV. Anti had the sense to see that the look in Chase's eyes had changed. Something in the back of Anti's mind told him he shouldn't push him but he ignored that.

"What? Mad at little old me? It was a few years ago. I'd figured you lot were all about forgiveness and all that. Or are you all hypocrites?"


Anti went quiet involuntarily. Chase's demeanor sent a chill down through him but he refused to admit he was . . .afraid.

"You." Chase started, "You really are a fucking monster. A worthless piece of shit!" he suddenly smiled, "And here you are trapped in a fooking TV! In any and all electronic devices! How pathetic for YOU!"

Anti rolled his eyes and glitched away to his phone but Chase had other ideas, "OH NO YOU DON'T." 

He made his way to his electric box on his porch and shut off all his power.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Anti shouted back at him, "You can't keep the power off forever, you moron!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Chase stomped back into the bedroom, picking up the phone, "YOU'RE GONNA SIT HERE AND FOOKING LISTEN TO ME, YA FOOKING GLITCH BITCH!!"

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