I was currently walking threw a dark alley way, while it was pouring down rain. To be honest i don't even know where i am. Too drunk to understand
I kept going to left and right from road to road looking for my boyfriend Eli.
I was dancing with my friends, Liv and Kaylen. Until there was no sign of eli..evey turn i get more worried.
There was barely no lights..making it harder to see.
I made another left..and saw two black figures.."h-huh"..the one on the left looks like he's holding a gun.
"E-e-eli...?!" I struggled to say.
"LESLIE! RUN FAST AS U CAN!! GO!" he said.
All of the sudden...my eyes started getting teary.."n-no! I can't leave u!"
The guy pulled the trigger..
"ELI!?" I ran so fast..I never thought I could.
I caught him before he could fall on the ground holding him.
"E-eli...p-p-please...don't leave me.." I put pressure to his wound. Tears falling from my eyes..
"I-..." He tried getting out.
I shaked my head,rocking him
"D-don't leave me..please...don't.."
He started closing his eyes. "N-no baby don't fall asleep..stay awake for me okay.." I said slapping his face lightly..
Stay awake for me..I was having an panic attack..I couldn't breathe right..I was crying so much..his blood was all over me..on my hands..on my dress...even on the floor.
"S-s-stay with me...i n-need you....p-please!"
I tried pulling my phone from my purse...
"911 what is your emergency?"
I couldn't even talk at the moment...all I was doing was crying..and crying..
I couldn't talk..breathe..anything..I was so scared..shocked at the moment...my own focus..here was to keep him awake..
"...I-I-I need help...m-my boyfriend got shot...p-please hurry...I need him.."
"I'll send help..I promise..all I want u to do is keep him from bleeding and falling asleep okay?...can u do that?"
"Y-yes...I can..."
"Okay..Good..the they'll are on their way..okay stay on the phone with me okay?"..
"What is your name?"
"Okay..Leslie..breathe okay...everything will be alright.."
"Just breathe"
...I hold tighter on eli wound..waking him up..speaking to him..
"C-come on..eli s-stay up for me..o-okay.."
"Y-you can't leave me like this...""I love you..l-les-.."
I jumped up already having tears running down my cheeks..having trouble breathing..
All I could see was my mom running in my room..holding me..
i lost myself.
Fiksi RemajaLeslie Evan's is a 18 year old female, who had witnessed the love of her life (Eli) die in her arms, causing her to be traumatized most of her life and the next year, her father passes away. Every so often, she'd have nightmares of that night (of El...